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A member registered Jul 03, 2019

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this game looks interesting! it reminds me of Alkahistorian volume 3, with all the nodes and things, but with the potential to be more open-ended and theorycrafty.

some suggestions:

• take out the triple lined connections. it doesn't make much sense to have connections that cannot be removed, and without them there would be more potential for experimentation

• you should probably figure out a way to anti-alias the text on the nodes for wide zoom levels, or otherwise remove the text if it gets too small

• having the ability to split or merge same-type nodes (to a reasonable extent) would both reduce node clutter and allow for more complex routing

• when mousing over a node, it'd be useful to highlight nodes that produce, store, or consume the same resources as the highlighted node, just for QoL. additionally, it could highlight which nodes it is currently connected to, with separate colors for sending and receiving

• it'd be good to have a discord server for this, just for the sake of having a hub for update info and suggestions

(2 edits)

The fact that the camera isn't centered on the player leads me to get hit by something i cannot see often. I don't want to be constantly in shift-mode the whole time just so i am not blindsided. Also, using a Rod of Summoning outside of bounds crashes the game. Other than this, the game is great.

(1 edit)

I'm going to use this thread too.

This is a really cool idea! The modular system is very unique and easy to understand. However, my laptop doesn't have a numpad and so a way to change the controls would help. Additionally, it seems the cursor and the game is misaligned a bit. Otherwise, everything is fine.

What is specifically needed? OS name is Microsoft Windows 10 Pro, version is 10.0.17763 Build 17763, type is x64. That's all I could find that I'd think would be relevant

(4 edits)

There is a room here (see the shading on the bloodied wall, but no door got spawned.

Addendum: I've noticed that sleeping enemies wake up through walls. Maybe add a check to see if there's a wall between myself and the enemy, when and if the game is updated.

Addendum 2: Spellcasters, such as the Chaos Fairy and Orc Sorcerer, can cast spells through other enemies (and sometimes, with the Master of Rats and dragon's breath, through walls), while I cannot.

Addendum 3: Sometimes, when transmuting a rune, the rune is deleted instead of transformed. I've noticed this happens more when I have large amounts of runes in my inventor

Addendum 4: I cannot get the downloaded game to work, no matter what I try.

Also, there is loot later in the game, however at times i can't use it because i've already put a bunch of runics in one weapon or shield so using those items would be a downgrade. A bit more forges would be nice.

Re: burning the door down, it doesn't actually work: the game only registers the door not being there when something walks through the doorway. Additionally, I have to wait 8 turns for my spell to recharge, which is a big risk.

Here's the teleport bug I was talking about. Note that I, "as" the orc, am invulnerable to non-ranged attacks, except probably Death Finger. Also note how the dead Knight still walks. I was also "as" a dead goblin.

Re: enemies being right behind a door and killing me instantly:

This has happened twice now. A run ends because of instant-kill no-warning BS.

Not to mention that it was a great run, utterly ruined:

(12 edits)

I've been playing a lot and it's real fun. I've never been able to get past 13, but even still it's fun to stack up runics and go wild. 

Like others have said, the UI gets in the way but it's pretty easy to get rid of it by zooming. Something that annoys me is how sometimes there will be a particularly deadly enemy behind a door and I get killed immediately; it's almost like I have to be scared of doors to not be killed by a death mage or a dragon waiting behind. Also, apparently rats seem to know where you are at all times, and that's nonsensical. It's also really annoying, as they waste my time and chip away at my health, Another weird thing is how loot tends to peter out after the first few floors—I'd think it'd be more common the deeper you go. Though, it does reinforce the fact that you need to get a good build and stick to it. Another thing is how Force damage when crashing into something is with distance, and not the power of the Force runic. I'd think that, as more powerful Force runics can push something farther, that must mean that the thing is going faster, and therefore should have more damage be done. 

I've found that, occasionally, using a teleport spell will clip you into an enemy and render you weirdly invulnerable while you control the enemy, and sometimes after coming out of water the enemies stop making any moves of any kind. Also, you can push barrels into enemies. Additionally, pressing 'q' at the starting screen makes every button black. Also, the runic system would really benefit from a rework into a more balanced relationship between spell and item runics. The ranged properties of the spells, the fact that they always proc, and that they are usually more powerful than item runics makes them a bit more useful than item runics. 

Regardless, the game is very fun and I'll be playing this for a while.

(1 edit)

I've found the hive laser attack of the second boss has a nearly impossible time frame, and apparently it always is too dense. Also, my dash's immunity frames are too short to reasonably get through the absurd spinney laser of the first phase of the first boss. Also, the vignette really needs to go: there's been many times where i run into something I cannot see. Additionally, the addition of the bees and insects does fit with the hex background, but it's a bit jarring as everything else is a simple shape. Maybe make them ellipses instead? 

Ah, okay. Thanks. That is indeed where it happened, so that checks out.

(1 edit)

This update with the explanations is pretty okay, but the fact that I've zero immunity frames when entering, making me lose a heart without being able to avoid it, is still annoying. Many times I've lost a heart due to this alone. Give me immunity frames when I enter a room.


Please fix the intrinsic issue, having a double-door for no reason other than to stop backtracking (which you can just do by sealing off all other doors permanently when you choose one) rather than attempting to fix it with programmery. A fix of the initial problem is always a better fix than the fix of the symptom.

(1 edit)

Managed to get Wave 4 of the fourth level. The little triangles need to be a bit more noticeable, maybe have a trail behind them? Or maybe do away with the 'fog' altogether, as it's a bit hard to see anything. Also, dashing into a pickup at just the right time doesn't pick it up, as well as having it follow you out of the room. The orbit effect needs to be buffed, maybe the bullets shouldn't hit the wall or maybe they should collide with enemy bullets?

(3 edits)

It would be cool if I had some immunity when entering a room so I don't immediately get rushed by everything and inevitably take a hit.

Additionally, I sure love running into things I cannot see. Take, for example, bullets that are practically invisible when you're focusing on avoiding everything else. Worms that come out of your field of vision and immediately hit you. As well as other things.

Finally, there are some issues with the levels. At times, it may do some softlocks such as: 

• Enemies getting stuck in walls,

• Levels closing you in between hallways. I would think there should only need to be one door.

• As well as others.

Please fix these issues in the next build.