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A member registered Mar 30, 2017 · View creator page →

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Good job on completely misunderstanding what made Buckshot great. But what can one expect from a Pirate Software fan.

I feel like the game is almost too random? Since you have only one piece and you can't rotate it, You can get "useless" pieces all the time. On the other hand, if you go for the "risk-reward" system with combo, you can get a piece which contains a word by itself and It'll get counted no matter what.  I think that having two, three slots with blocks that you can pull from would make the game much more strategic in nature.


I have an idea in place, and figured out it would work in a low-rez aesthetic. So I was thinking about submitting the game both to this jam and to LOWREZ jam that is currently up. Would that be ok?

Is buying the beta now guaranteeing a steam key after the release?

You somehow ripped off both portal and the turing test and ended with a boring, sluggish experience. Not great.

Just letting you know I got one of my core mechanic down, and honestly I couldn't be happier. It took way too long but it's there.

Hi all :) I've been playing around in UE4 for a long time, haven't finished anything yet. Since I'm going for a VR project this jam, I'd be glad if someone could, later down the line, tell my project on HTC Vive (I'm working on Oculus + Touch controllers). This is not a teamup offer per se, but of course you'll get a mention in credits. Thanks!