even though there are lots of mistranslate wording. i do enjoy the story and i love Jax. i found it finally the childhood friend was so protective and doesn't like Player end up with him 😂. for some reason i also cannot unlock the secret reveal about the wolf which i suspect something happen with Felix changes or it might be because the story still incomplete.
I also confuse where Ivy at after rescue her, there was no mention of her in the cabin unless she just went missing.
sometimes there is bug things like if player == shy or outgoing, then there is bug for condition of bedding == jax
Recent community posts
i don't know if its a bug or my relationship with the girls not working? my character is female, straight. free time where i had to choose which group to hang out, i noticed the girls side not increasing the friendship points or when hanging out with Sarah, i chose with big smile, not increasing friendship with her stuck only at 5 friendship.
love the story so far, when playing as other characters, i can see their stats and relationship too, though their stats are much better than MC 😢
i'm curious how Lynwood going to rescue the kitten, enjoyed playing as Charlie and Mrs Meadow. i'm exporting my save file in case i lost in browser save just in case😍
i love the story, i chose my name as Rabbit. love papa Bear. and the way Lion kept saying unsanitary. Do you think you make a continuation on discovering the outside world, discovering other places, other people, new mutant beast probably? We need new type of workers: Scouters, Scientists and idk Archelogists discovering what ancestors found, maybe found people living underground city. Or the travelling Caravan (traders/merchants). i hope for new story from you😍
I played on Steam. Its like walking down the memory lane remembering about how i used to called my friend with house phone etc, love tidbits like james and the giant peach lol
Cove is my fav
Too bad there is no name translated for Nora 😢
Is there differences between steam version if bought all dlcs & patreon-only? Btw its my 3rd playthru, i noticed the changes with cove each playthru which was nice touch. I find it funny how i made Cove into a foodie like my mc in my 2nd playthru