Thank you so much. I dont know why the algae only sometimes work - and somethings it doesn matter.
Wow, thats a nice game with nice mechanics and it looks great.
it looks like my game - but in a better way - nice work. We got the idea i guess. But my game is really infinished - your game is in a better state.
nice work. i love how the level difficult increase every level. No bugs - looks polished for the short of time. Really good game.
i love how the light works in this game - it looks so cool when the shadow meets the corners.
i love the lightning in the game - it looks cool.i love the idea to hide in the niches.
i like the diver mechanic.
sorry iam new to this - i don know that it should be a .zip to work with html - but thank you for post - i change it to zip. Now it should work.
sorry guys - i erase the files and doing a .zip instead - now it works. Sorry iam new to this.