The art is amazing!! I love how you draw the cats they are so cute!^-^
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The bouncyness is certainly fun, and after some fiddling around I was bouncing around the level. One thing I'd say, is that perhaps amongs all of the bouncy platforms, perhaps but a regular one so that the player could come to "rest" on it?
Ohterwise I am looking forward to when I'll be able to get to Steve!
I agree that this is a cool concept and will be a great game. I really liked how the dialogie appeared both during the text with the friend and with the characters!
Perhaps add a sort of ending for one of the characters just so that there is one ending in this demo?
Dialogue was fun, and the characters are intruguing! :3
The colors, background and overall look of the game lends itself to the theme and aesthetic very well. It also hit home because goodness, I feel this game so much.
When I looked at the shopping list, I thought to myself "with this budget you couldn't really get all of this" and this made me think: how about the player has to choose which items to take and which items to leave? Cave in and take the comfort food (chips)? Or opt for a healthier alternative? When shopping on a budget one is also always on the hunt for sales, so that could also be a mechanic perhaps?
Overall I love the concept, well done! :3
Viability: There is a clear structure, playable from the beginning to the end. All pieces of the game (choices, endings..etc.) are working well together.
Presentation: The black and white style lends itself very well to this game. I really liked how the background changed from black to white when I turned on the light.
Theme: Clear, the art worked well with the story, simple and effective.
Engagement: When I noticed the mutliple endings, I was instantly consumed by the need to get. them. all!
I really enjoyed this^^