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so after playing this update for like 2 hours, the game is very balanced rn. I can't really say much about this because is just good, maybe some cards like tease are not that great because don't deal direct pp and are the shadow of other cards (in this case by step on) or pussy destroyer using too much energy for most builds. This update also have more content than i was expecting so thats good
3 things i think are bugs
In combat if you move a card too fast to an enemy (without using the card) and stop moving the mouse sometimes the card yust keep slowly moving in that direction
The doll enemy if you use the BJ card he will copy the sex. But if you have pantys he will strip and then copy strip over and over until you use a card (so you can endturn until find someting good)
And when the doll orgasm i you use cards he will copy that card and when he finish the orgasm he will keep displaying orgasm until you use a new card (but the doll will use that card he copy while he was in orgasm) (for example he can start a orgasm and you use touch for 4 pp. You end 3 times you turn and the mimic will give you 8 lp because the touch you used while he was in orgasm but the text will not display LP x8. Will just display orgasm)
I am bad explaining things xd
i found another viable strat for beat the game that don't need the op bj card. with the "body slam" card, but act 1 is like 70% rng (with bj strat is like 45% so this is still worse, and bj is soo simple compared with this) (this is not a tutorial is just a way to win that i found without having the most op card in the game)
2 things, you want to select the path with more enemies and a shop at the end (the shop is optional) and if you don't have 2 body slam at the boss ur cooked, just restart the run
So the first enemy can't be a Guard, if is, restart the run
You want to find a slime or a dildo. If is a dildo just do damage and before its shows the sentient crystal you want to dildo ride, thats for gets the creampie stat without losing being virgin
If is a slime you can just kill it or use touch to get he orgasm while he is trying to do Atk x2. While he is in orgasm you trow 2 more touch cards and await until he try to attack you again (this for gain LP without losing too much HP). You want to be in orgasm for the slime get inside you and get the jellibeli
if is a guard ur cooked, go to the menu and continue run for reroll the enemy
when you win you want 1-3 cards max for help (like the knee or sadism), and obvious body slam
you want to get the more lewdness possible btw
you will want at some point get bukkake and facial maybe (only possible by cum dump i think is the name) (and remember, this is for don't use bj card so thats why you can't get facial easy), nude is easy because the slime or demon girl, and exposed pussy by getting the elf cop event (you can reroll events by goig to the menu and continue run) or pussy burst
things you don't want are memory wipe, clean itself, fantasize, doze off, shove, become one, the washing machine event and linked pussy from the line event
in the mid/late of act 1 is just play with what you have, if you found uncorrupted soul or cow (if you can't tank 7 LP) reroll the enemy or keep playing for probably a game over, you don't have too much health anyway
you actually don't need to get extra max hp if you are lucky, and if not you hp will be probably low so is better heal than get max hp
if you found a shop don't buy anything and just remove cards from you deck (the idea is have only 3 body slam. Probably you don't have money for remove most of the cards so start with shove and then touch)
If you have 2 body slam, nude, exposed pussy, bukkake and creampie you can beat the boss if you have like 35 hp and few deck cards.
If you have 3 body slam is easer, even 20 hp i believe can beat the boss. The lower the cards deck you have more chances are getting body slam and that means high damage
this strat is hard in almost every aspect so is highly don't recommended, and a bj card makes every soo much easer. You probably will need 4-6 good runs to make this work, or like 12 restarts because half of the time the first enemy is a guard and you are screwed
I will try a sadism strat later for see.
too much text lol (over 2,900 characteres)
So after playing more this game i found this things, maybe issues or things not important.
The strat of BJ is just broken, almost every enemy stop doing damage if you are in sex state and the card for start a BJ just do that for 1 stamina, being the counter of almost every enemy in the game.
The final boss is or impossible or too easy. He can't start a sex state so you need to use a BJ start card, if not he will do a lot of damage killing you with no chance (because his health and you can't heal that much). So without starting a BJ you are dead, and if you LP is too low he will just orgasm you in a bucle killing you. But if you LP is some high for tank some rounds you have 2 stamina from the BJ, 3 from the next round and 2 more because he start another sex state. So you have 7 stamina for do damage and start another BJ for enter in the loop and take almost no damage.
The act system is broken, if you can beat act 1 the entire rest of game is soo freaking easy.
There is no win screen so is strange at the moment of win.
If you found the open source thing you can get all hardware and at the event moment will say placeholder and you lost you run (or use cheats for escape)
The uncorrupted soul in act 1 is a sentence of death, the BJ strat don't work that well and always attack doing 7 dmg so you just die or have no health for final boss
The guard is kinda op in act 1 because is soo common and can kill you very easy (8 dmg and high hp and kinda high pp), is not that op like uncorrupted soul but if you found one at the first enemy you almost die (because no BJ card)
Almost all other enemies are not a problem with the BJ strat
This game don't have tutorial so understand some mechanics for some persons maybe will be hard (like lp and pp in orgasm do dmg or sex state)
Some cards are trash, like shove and become one. Shove exit you from sex state and make enemies do dmg instead of lp so you die sooner. Become one just use too much stamina for being really useful in a normal run (and act 2 or 3 when you have a great lp max is also bad because you already are enought strong for kill the enemy instead of do that)
Some cards are soo op, like BJ, sadism, the knee and maybe kiss can be really op if you use it well
You should probably auto collect the gold, cards you can have less for less RNG and use always same 4-5 cards but gold is always good
For now the game have not too much sex scenes so a gallery for me is not that important (and in the cheat code you can see it all)
You can manipulate the rng by going to the menu and continue the run for changue the enemy or event and always win
The lenguage / translate option in mobile don't work, i haven't try other versions but in mobile keeps in english
I think thats all i can say from now, act 2-3 is too easy and 1 too hard, tutorial, card balance, enemy balance, placeholder and maybe rng bug, some persons have crash bugs but me no so i can't talk about that, i really like this game so i will wait for next update
Too much text xd