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This game is cute perfection! The smile on the fish's face when you finish a level is priceless!

This is really cute! Real Estate made fun. The music and sounds remind me of the old NES games Rainbow Islands and Bubble Bobble... had me going down nostalgia lane!

Thank you so much! :) Funny you brought up music... I listened to the song Oceanic by Conjure One while working on this project. A sort of unofficial soundtrack, if you will.  I'm happy to hear you enjoy the Meremayde series!

This game is so simple and cute! Well done!

Art and animation are great, I love the simple style. I would love to see this project developed further (enter buildings, different enemies, etc)!

I'm old fashioned... I love 16px tilesets. Though I don't mind if there are 8px tiles for smaller details :)

A thousand times YES! Voting for size next.

(1 edit)

This game is super cute! The music is perfect, the animations are wonderful. And the sounds little Gumdrop makes? Adorable!

EDIT: Reminds me of an old game called Parachute Ninja (same idea, ball character being thrown upwards through a forest by rubber bands)

(My first attempt at replying didn't go through, so I am trying again) Thank you! I tried my best to make something functional, rather than just to look at. I have always been fond of the old "choppy" NES animations (think Castlevania, Metroid, the original Super Mario), so I tend to do the least amount of frames possible. Learning how to subpixel is definitely something on my to-do-list!