looking forward to the final version
A member registered Feb 25, 2023
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ok so this is what ive gotten so far, lemme know if this is everything or not
- sour
- sweet
- spicy
- dry
- greasy
- mandelbrot
- nothing
- tinting
- crunchy
- gelatinous
- warm
- creamy
- filament like
- drooly
- slimy
- love
- horny
as for effects i got
- dry + greasy + mandelbrot = recursive bacon = thinner
- sour + tinting + crunchy = goth lemon drops = pee (gains warm item)
- dry + greasy + gelatinous = buta tallow = fatter (gains creamy item)
- greasy + gelatinous + creamy = bacon pancakes = calm
- crunchy + gelatinous + creamy = corrosive pudding = missing body parts
- sour + warm + creamy = golden yogurt = hair grow (gains filament item)
- sour + creamy + filament like = blue cheese = hair extension?
- sour + crunchy + creamy = radioactive cheese = horny (gains drooly item)
- sweet + gelatinous + drooly = ko-pudding = transform upper body
- dry + filament like + drooly = moustache wax = manly (gains slimy item)
- sour + mandelbrot + slimy = chicken nuggets = restore pregnant
- spicy + creamy + slimy = spicy yogurt = pregnant
- sweet + dry + drooly = sweet rum = alcohol (gains love item)
- sweet + dry + love = love crumble - more excited (gains horny item)
- dry + love + horny = aphrodite's kiss = cleans body
- crunchy + warm + horny = sour candy = wet pussy
- sour + nothing + love = sour cake drop = remove what wasnt here before