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Not So Studios

A member registered Jun 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think you'll find out quite soon ;)

shut up zayd

Click on the... actually, you've probably already done this a thousand times, I think you understand how it works by now.

didn't you read the title? this project is on hold and I won't be continuing it for a while


I dont think you understand, i am not going to use other people's stuff, even if i could, i wouldn't

okay no

I'm not just gonna steal a bunch of other people's sprites, I want this decompile to feel original 

and I'm not taking random suggestions for new content either 

yeah that also doesnt work sometimes heheh


...ok this update is kinda broken

yeah i just made it higher cus idk how to fix it yet

...I don't remember ever saying I'd be working on a modable version?

Plus I don't want people making mods of this decompile anyways

I saw. Thanks for playing.

I do plan to bring this mod to android at some point, but it'll likely be much later in delevopment.

thanks for reporting, these'll be fixed in the next update


perhaps, but if were to do that I'd probably replace it with a 'party mode' or something 

uhhhh not sure about that at the moment


Eh, maybe, what does it do though?

1. Agreed, that would be very helpful to players who haven't memorized the map.

2. Agreed, I will fix that in the next update.

3. Kinda have to disagree, because that's part of Joe's character mechanic, although I do agree that it's a bit annoying, so I'll slow him down in the next update so the player has more time to decide what item they want to give up if their inventory is full.

4. I won't be adding any items from BB+ as I want most of the items to be custom.

5. Interesing idea, but if i did something like that it'd probably have to be capped to 1 item per locker, so it's not too overpowered.

oof, that'll be fixed in the next update

Nice, if I can find a place to fit this into the mod, I will.

That's intentional, you're supposed to replace the files of BB+ 0.3.2 with these files (explained in the download instructions above) since mystman12 doesn't want the entire game to be redistributed for BB+ mods, just the modded files.

Idk, I don't own that Google Drive link, so I don't wish to be held responsible for the pirating of that version.

Your poster actually replaces one of the chalkboards, so you'd have better luck looking in classrooms

kinda lol

No, that's one of the poster submissions from Yoshi's Productions

Thanks for playing

With dnspy

K thanks

Ok, you have my permission, but when you do be sure to credit me

Thanks for playing!


Oooo spoopy

Idk lol