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A member registered Feb 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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for any linux users:

apparently downloading NW from and extracting the entire folder into the project folder (replacing files) can get it to run. I myself have never used it before so I have no idea what files you actually need, but that seems to have done the trick for me.

you could split the archives into bits that are smaller than 1gb. The players would then download all the necessary files (.z01 and .zip for example) into the same directory and unzip the main zip file (no idea how the desktop app would react to that though)

The player seems like an ass at the start, I guess that's how it's supposed to be. The wolf fights are kinda bad (what are you even supposed to do apart from spamming attack). Besides that I think it's a solid start. I like the setting and the characters are fun, too.

do you have the renpy extension?

There was something that was very frustrating to me: the fact that there are unique events, which can play out at any point, but require a certain level of obedience before you can get the scene (for instance you can meet the teacher at the airport and if the obedience is high enoug, a sex scene is available, but if the obedience is too low the scene is not available and the event won't come again). I would suggest making those events repeat, or not show up at all until the progression with the character is far enough to see all possible ways it could play out.

(2 edits)

I didn't like this game. It is really difficult to tell what anomalies have actually happened, what you missed and what you should look out for. It would be nice to have the something like a gallery that has examples of possible anomalies (the intruder stuff is obvious, so that wouldn't need to be in there). Some things you just don't pay attention to, like the tissue box being somewhere else or the lamp flipping around (which I only noticed after looking through the files in the rpa (btw the art looks good, when you get to see it))

Edit: also the swapping while reporting bug is still in there, it could be avoided by locking the player to the room while a report is made

It looks good. I liked the humor. only wish there was more content

it was fun to go through it, but there is stuff to improve. I often felt completely directionless. When pressing tab it shows all spaces to click on, which is great, but I had to check here to figure out that the lens could be used on the window above the changing room, since that is not marked. As a help feature, I think it should show all relevant bits of info. I also couldn't find the third ghost (the middle one). And Icouldn't find the code to the box (it is ok if that is patreon content, but it should be marked as such if it is).

i think this should have a guarranteed situation, where it happens. Many players will check, see there is noting and move on

just started it, I mapped shift to crouch (cause minecraft) and it seems that shift is hardcoded for runnning, you might want to add that to the controlls section in the options

(1 edit)

the walking doesn't stop quickly enough, the sex scene doesn't  care in what position it was ended and it would be great if spells could be casted up and down (controlled by WASD). The spells also halt all movement for a bit too long, making moving feel less fluid overall. also the cum effect is just a white square that doesnt cover the entire window.

The concept does feel otherwise solid though. I would also have liked to try out moving around a larger "level" with some obstacles and preset enemies.

V-button for renpy games iirc

iirc, it is based on renpy and its saves should usually be cross compatible

does this not have mouselock in regualr gameplay?

since this game now inludes internet based features (the VIP verification thing for example), can you add a feature that lets me downlaod a newer version from the menu, so that I can always have the most recent features and bug fixes?

what is the difference between influence and attribute?

that blue/beige color scheme on this site makes it a bit hard to read the text for the links, consider making the links darker

this demo is really short, but I like the direction it is headed. (also the tons of warnings at the start made me expect more content)

Title says it all. It would be great to know how to change different aspects, like talk options or extra menus (maybe custom positions with the bot?) and all that great stuff. It would help the modding community out, by a lot.

its in the " more information " box under " made with"

Looking great, even works on mobile, hope to see more from you. 

Help her train says not available yet. Does that mean it isn't implemented yet, or does that mean i need to progress further?

It looks stunning. The character designs and backgrounds are great and I love the UI design. The premise is also great so far. The only probelm I have is that the end of this version is a bit too unclear. As everyoone has already said, it looks like a renpy bug, so please leave a little dev note that the version ends right there in a text box or something. Otherwise you're off to a great start!