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A member registered Jan 31, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game exceeded my expectations, lokey it's super funny, and has me interested in the rest of the upcoming rooms! Wishing you good luck on the rest of the development, because I can see how much effort thats put into this game.

UGHHH I just got to playing the demo I have to tell you it's crazy that your a one man team, because the quality, and varying features are so good! I TELL YOU IF YOU MADE THIS COST 30+ I WOULD PAY IMMEDIATELY STILL! Thank you so much for this little demo it really shows the amount of work you put into the game! I'm a very lore, and game quality driven person, so I'm really excited for the fully game release Good Luck on finishing it! ❤️ 

(1 edit)

I've been so excited for this one, your last game was so fun, and this one looks so good! (And you came right in time Happy Valentines Day!)

I just finished the game, and obviously I liked it cause Robobarbie made it, but it was actually amazing,  you really feel like your doing something with all these codes. The realest thing tho is that I really saw myself in odxny, and others do aswell, the calls with him really hit home, you always find a way to make me feel something with these games. Thanks for this.

Bro I can't be spending all this money, why are you tempting all of us with this merch! 😭 

I totally understand, there's life outside of this, and life is just really busy sometimes. Thanks for working on the game, I wish you the best of luck on finishing the game, your work, and studies! 

When do you think it'll be out by? I know theres alota stuff that goes into making a game, but I'm just so excited by the premise, and how nice ur artstyle is that I'm very curious on when you think it might be close to finished. 😁 

Lowkey this is so cool to be playing through the view of the other Bakery owner! Can't wait for the rest, and good luck! <3

I got back onto just to find that C2phos uploaded another game, I'm actually so excited, because my device wasn't compatible with the last game.

Same, but atleast all we gotta do is wait for a translation :>

It's been 2 days, and you've already met your goal Congrats!

Omg I can't believe it's coming out so soon now.

Thats crazy, I can't wait to see this, Congratulations!

This was such a nice way to release the soundtracks for your games!

Omg I got an update saying you had uploaded an game, and I had to get onto

I myself couldn't play bc mac, but I watched a playthrough, and it was a very good story.

Cried, I cried from this game.

Yo, that was actually super cool, I cannot wait for the full game's release! Grimmy is so babygurl I just gotta say that, good luck with everything else!

I really was not expecting what I saw, like this game was absolutely great, and I am still shocked.

Thanks for writing this, because honestly it's great to see the behind the scenes! Seeing the process with the concepts, and CG's is really fun to see how you go through it. And i'm extremely excited for the next project you have, because it always turns out great, Good luck.

Awww, thats actually adorable, thanks for the doodle :>

Welp time to download this, and play it, and have fun, and love it, ykyk. Because this is absolutely great, I watched a playthrough before, now time to see the new stuff.

Omg it's out, time to play now. 😁 

I absolutely love Cornerthing, what a nice human sized shadowy corner thing, Cornerthing it is. <3

Short, and nice as always, I absolutely love your games.

This demo was definitely interesting, I really cannot wait for more updates, and the full release. Good luck on it! :)

Honestly I've been wondering that too, because I can't find any new updates on this anywhere.

Yes of course please take your time on this, we're already grateful for the work you've already made so far. And goodluck with the rest of it. ❤️

This was short, but fun, actually really liked it. I trusted Raku too much, I guess that's why there's something called stranger danger, but atleast he's treating me to something.

Nvm it gave me a steam key too, and that basically solved the problem :>

Been trying to play the game, and I put in my email, but the registration kept saying it was the wrong email, but it was the email I used to buy the game.

That was so interesting, I would love to buy more from him honestly, but I think I went broke 💀

Omg the protagonist. No, Thank you for making this game, I'll be sure to buy a copy.

OMG the demo is here! I've been looking at all the drawings on your twitter, and I was so excited, and now I'm even more excited to play the demo now, because it looks absolutely amazing.

That was really interesting, I have no idea what is happening, I have a few theories, but I'm excited for any new updates that might happen, even if it might not happen at all.

I've already backed the kickstarter, but I actually haven't until now played the demo, and damn it is so good. I throughly enjoyed that demo, and can't wait for any new updates for TouchStarved.

Chester is truly a very interesting guy, I'll be sure to check in time to time for any updates, and love to know more of where the game is going with Chester, but I have a slight idea.