How many chapters are out now? I just started chapter 3, and I'm really hoping there's a lot more content!
It started as a slow burn for me in beginning hour or two... but then I was hooked
OMG didn't think I would see that cameo.
Just finished first week of game, I'm liking it so far, runs fairly well on lower end android...
Not a fan of not being able to save whenever including scenes, because sometimes after a scene my game will crash, and I'll have to play it over again.
But keep on cranking out quality content!
Amazingly smooth running game on my low end android. Yet still some of the best graphics ive seen for phone.
I'm normally more into sandbox style games, but the transition here don't feel as forced as it normally would with this kind of VN..
loving story so far 2 hours in... great wish fulfilment..
did we have to do that to Si tho .. yes, yes we did because Esme was a priority target as soon as she made an appearance.... Oh well