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A member registered Aug 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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the game is so perfect, can put configure players with keyboard?, i havent joystick to play with a partner, also its good to put more settings like weapon damage multiplier to dont destroy opponents so fast, more cpus in game (i hack the number of cpus in battle game up to 50 opponents and its so crazy in battle mode, but in normal race remaming cpus starts outside of the map without returning to the track), add coop mode with play as with unlock characters and championship mode on all level

use alt+enter


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Para la de luna tienes que pocharte 5 ponis sin saltear (3 dias y 2 noches, no importa el orden en que lo hiciste), en la ultima noche te vas al castillo de celestia, en la derecha verás que la plataforma esta brillando, toca la plataforma y gana contra luna, para el segundo final de luna, no tienes que recibir daño

Para final de spike (incluye con rarity), lo sigiente es: 

Dia1: tienes que encontrarte con spike y juntar monedas para comprar y darle el boleto (se consigue ayudando a applejack), luego cambiate a pegaso y pochetelas a cualquiera (no puedes cambiar de raza en la noche)

Noche 1: ve con spike y te pochas a twilight

Dia2: cambiate a unicornio, en la puerta de la casa de rarity hay una caja al lado de la puerta de la casa de rarity, toca en ella y aparecerá spike (no funcionará si no hiciste el paso de dia1 y noche1), habla con el y ayuda a intentarlo, entra en la casa de rarity y ofrece a ayudar a cortar las telas, toca la pizarra para obtener el corte B, luego ve afuera de la casa de rarity y toca la parte superior de la puerta para cortar un trozo de ventana y cambiate a pegaso 

Noche2: como pegaso, ve en donde cortaste la ventana en la casa de rarity y estará disponible rarity

Dia3: (opcional) en la estacion de tren puedes ver a spike

Noche3: ve a la estacion de tren, va a ver la cabeza de spike debajo de la barandilla, toca con el para hablar, si te pide que si quieres el boleto de vuelta, tu dices que no y desbloqueas el final de spike (no funcionará si aceptas el boleto y el final no se mostraran)

you welcome :3

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Yes, feel free to use, make put me in the credits ;3

(if you see a message a ban from me, i accidentally touches from my issued cellphone)


can make a version for gles3 o port to godot 3.5?, my hardware is old and cant play

Can have translations?

thanks :)

can add support of low-end pcs putting low resolutions like as 640x480?

what is your specs?, my computer is a school laptop, the game runs and only can enter main menu and character selection with 3 fps, later the game crashes on start the game with high amount of RAM

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win10 x64

4gb of ram

1.60 ghz - intel celeron n2808

1gb video - intel HD graphics

"runs out of memory ram and crash"

can add a setting to switch off unecesary animations or effects to improve perfomance on low-end machines?

graxx nwn

graxx por el feedback nwn

this like as "SAS zombie asault" but with dinosaurs 10/10

OS: win10 x64

ram: 4gb

video: intel HD graphics

core: intel celeron N2806

runs 14 fps with jitter frames (skipping frames)

the problem is that it must be that there are many objects that are loaded at once, but if you need to optimize you must do it, it is not a bad video game, but you must optimize certain things, I did once with my video game "useless dragon", I put so many objects that when loading them they broke down

OS: win10 x64

video: intel HD graphics 2 gb

ram: 4gb

core: intel celeron N2806

game runs at 5 fps and stuck on "stage 1" title in any map

if you use godot engine, yoy can export for 32 bits unchecking "64 bit"

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2gb of ram

1gb of video

160 ghz

can reach minimun 1 gb of ram and option ultra low graphic settings?

ok u.u

and map details? (Like as grass, rocks, etc;)

i would like that, not all people have a powerful computer, make low gamma pc run the game to get more downloads than normal :)

Could you add a setting to lower the graphics to the minimum? (disabling the background of the map so that only the platform can be seen, disabling particles, etc;), not everyone has a good quality pc, it is just a suggestion

no 32 bits :(

OS: win8.1
ram: 2 gb
video: 1 gb, intel gma 3600 series
core: 1.60 ghz, intel atom n2600

runs aprox. 7 fps

win 8.1 pro

-2gb ram
-core 1.60 ghz
-1gb video

1 fps, all texture are "box white alpha" and visual unplayblable

thanks n.n

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i wish the game translated to 3D

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can port for godot?

my specs:

-2 gb RAM

-core: 1.60 ghz

-video: 700 mb

the game loads over 2 gb of ram and crashes my OS

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no 32 bits and GLES2?

My specs: 

-2gb ram

-Videocard: Intel GMA 3600 series 700mb 

Core: Intel atom N2600 1.6ghz with 4 cores

Runs me aprox. 10 FPS (game maker can't handle anymore in school's laptop/PCs)

perfect n.n

no 32bit?

great n.n

Have a new version to run using low specs?