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A member registered May 21, 2022

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few days and it´s christmas lol.. 

the main complaint is his wrong promising.... and it happens again and again and again and again ...

bro´s telling us since christmas that this month he´ll finish the event and instead of giving us updates to why it takes longer than expected for the 8456837 time he closes the announcement  chat and waits over a month with still no update (i think end february he asked for just a few more days and not an entire month...) GUESS where tf we are... u said a dozen times you are working on it... we don´t doubt that but c´mon... be clear to us and not guve the same excuse every few months ... like literally what happened the last 40 days??? on discord u said only things missing are some dialogue and testing.. with this speed the christmas event will really come out for christmas

I can understand and I really don´t mean it bad with you, you just sometimes make it not quite easy for us :,)


02/25/2023 6:22 PM

Hello @everyone! The February release seems impossible right now. This is cause to some consecutive small delays caused by IRL family health problems, nothing too serious but you know, 1 day without working, two days, three days, it starts stacking together. And just remember, if I'm not sit on my computer doing stuff, then the project is basically freeze until I continue, so IRL stuff really hurts in the expected delay. In this case I won't ask patience for another entire month, I just need some extra days"

I like the game and the waiting isn´t even a problem to me fr and I don´t want to insult you but PLEASE make more announcements.. it can´t be that you´re asking for a few more days and nearly a month passes without any new announcement.. and the problem is, this is by far not the first time this happens... you want to publish a proper good working game ok but c´mon 

so how much longer will you need for the event :p bcs begin of march u sounded like it`d be only a few days delay and now we have mid march again, will you make it in march or for the 5th time??? need another month for the event?

Also how much of the next update is done? 20%? 50%? 90%? maybe i didn`t see it but you only talked about the christmas event since autumn and the only statement to the update were like "I´ll start on it in january again" so how is it exactly looking ;p since you mostly only answer to minor questions or really idiotic questions

Do i get this right? You´re working on the christmas update since october? I read a part on the discord.. and didn´t you want to start working on 1.3 again with the start of the year? How much work does the update still need?

no hate just this christmas event is cool but should be far secondary especially since it´ll be summer soon

until now.. in december he said january, in february he said february and now he said mid march.. i just want honesty not false hope..

Hopefully, the discord announcement just soundedn like he will release the christmas event to shorten the wait for chapter 1, which he will release in like autumn... just wish there was more communication

btw komisari is the update you are working on and want to release in january- februa- nah in the 21ist century just the "christmas event" or chapter 1? because if it is the just the christmas event.. WHY you have all year for that we just want chapter 1, the event is just like an extra

guess mid march we get an apology that it won´t be released in february?


then why can´t he just say "sorry boys january isn`t possible".. that´s like everything we asked for.. transparency 

and he shouldn´t apologize mid february, as soon as he noticed january isn´t possible he could have informed us

depending on where our McDonalds addicted dev lives, he has around 16 hours left to keep his promise (January)

don´t buy it yet.. wait for 0,1,3 :) we don´t want to support procastination

I doubt it

well we are closer to world peace than to the next update

I can´t put the game on fullscreen :´)

*Hey komisari, make a version 0.1.3

that would be great*

that sounds more fitting :)

I actually like the idea of  a none sexual path cause the story sometimes gets really deep

but maybe a time machine or rather a portal gun into an alternate world where the dev is working on his game instead of financing his alc addiction with the patreon money (just exaggerating the meme)lol 

*3023 (early january)

is the only think i can do is fat feed them?

maybe/most definetely I'm stupid but I can't install it

maybe I'm dumb but i would appreciate a full screen version.. bcs for me it's just a tiny tiny window