Hello! Thanks for checking out my game. I wrote a small post earlier on how to get started. There are plans to add a tutorial.
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In general, the NES only supports palette switching each 2x2 tiles. However, if you include MMC5 on your cartridge, that mapper would allow for switching palette every tile, among other things. As an example, the Castlevania 3 cartridge has this, which is one of the reasons the game looks so good. You can read more about MMC5 here https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/MMC5
Hello! You can click the resource patches on the ground to mine from them manually. After getting some coal, open your inventory and place the Drill you have there on a resource patch, click the Drill and insert coal into it by clicking the Coal icon in your inventory. Now the Drill should be mining. Next, place the Storehouse close to the Drill and while the "Build" button is still active, drag from the Drill to the Storehouse to create a Route from the Drill to the Storehouse. Let me know if you need more hints! Good luck :)