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A member registered Jun 04, 2021

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Lol apparently all you need to do to figure out those endings is to ask someone else how to get them, and then you'll figure it out by yourself before anyone replies 

Love this game so much!!!! Eli is so cute and I love (and also hate) them lol. 10/10 would date them again (except not in real life because Please Eli I need to earn money idk how to explain capitalism to you babe)

Also I like the easter eggs towards your other games (the plushies/figurines in the display case in the player's room are characters from your other games I'm guessing - I at least recognize the characters from Mistrick haha).

nevermind, I figured both of them out lol it just took me a long time to realize what I had to do for each of the endings. Now I just need the 13th ending :)

yeah that didn't happen to me, so I think it's a bug or something lol

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any tips for the "when the darkness threaten to consume all, you went outside and felt loved" and "when the darkness threaten to consume all, you looked at a screen and felt loved" endings? Can't figure it out lol.

Spoilers below

I keep getting either the ending where our apartment is set on fire, or I get the one where Eli makes a man explode into "confetti".

fyi happened to me too - both on the "grey" world when Eli was unhappy, and once when Eli was happy. No clue why. Hope you get the bug fixed, but since each run is fairly short it's kind of annoying but not a devastating bug as long as you save often lol

Question: How do you unlock the other characters? Do you just have to keep beating levels? 


sorry, it's been a long time since I've played this game. I remember this part being annoying but I don't remember exactly how I beat it, so details could be off. You just kind of have to play it over and over until you can do it fast enough, I think I got through that by like the skin of my teeth. If I remember right, the spider keeps moving when the dialogue box pops up when you pick up the shard, so you just kind of have to get through the dialogue box as fast as possible and start moving IMMEDIATELY after it closes, and not get caught on anything while you're running away. One moment of getting stuck will kill you so just have to know your path super well and can only really do that by trying it over and over again.

good luck.

I also love that all of these stories are interconnected. It's such a cool little world???? "Take more pictures", "ask it what it wants", and "put a hand to the glass" are my favourites :) 


I love the acolyte too lol, they're great and I'd love to read more about them and the hunter-turned-bear-conservation-enthusiast getting together

the "take more pictures" one is so cool????


I'm sad about that ending for that route, though

Thank you!!!! I look forward to taking another look at the game then :)

After clicking "examine photograph", the photograph pops up and then I can't do anything else? I keep clicking things but nothing happens. Is that intentional, or is there supposed to be more to the game?

Oh, that was so good. That ending hit hard

(2 edits)

If you still want to know, here's how. (Spoilers below for anyone scrolling through the comments before playing lol)

Ending 1: when Bonnie gets tied up and Carnation comes to save her, tell Carnation that you're going to stay with Hunter.

Ending 2: You know the room where the woman with the mirror is, who won't move for a really long time? At the end, when you've placed all the memory shards, DON'T go in that room. Go straight to the front door and leave instead. Going into that room first gets you ending 3.

Potence and minions need to be over 15 - maybe that's where it's going wrong? Also, which option do you choose when you do the fight? Maybe you're picking the wrong one (I'm not sure which one you need to choose, but I've only ever chosen Divine Order and that's gotten me past the fight) 

I got the Burn and Leave ending - do you remember how to get the other one?

Oh this is so cool!!! I love the idea of choosing what your relationship with Laina is at the beginning, and how the story changes so much depending on who Laina is to you. I've love to see more interactive fiction with this mechanic tbh, because it changes the story in really cool ways. (spoilers below)

I love the detail of how you save your sister versus saving your crush. The detail about your sister listening to you and not moving forward, versus your crush, because of how much your sister trusts you, is really cool. I also like that you can't save the acquaintance. It makes sense that you can only survive that encounter if you take your time poking around the church, because you wouldn't really have a reason to worry for/chase after an acquaintance (when the player really only joined Laina for their own interest in this route). Overall, good job! Short and fun game :)

Fun game! One note though, are you supposed to be able to click on sainthood to just... get infinite lives? I'm assuming not haha

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This is so gorgeous and cute! I played and rated a bunch of other games just so I could rate this one because I loved it so much :)

Pretty interesting concept - I don't think I've seen a "reverse tower defense" type of game before, and I think it would be cool to see a more fleshed out version of this type of game. I think adding some instructions would be a good idea, because I wasn't really sure what to do at first. Once I figured out that I could click the button to make something happen, I wasn't sure what the goal was (especially since this game kind of a reversal of the typical tower defense).

Awww this is so cute???? The art is so pretty too omg. ALSO Rei's outfit is like Peak gay fashion and I would absolutely wear that if I found something similar looking irl haha

Can't wait!!!! I've been a fan of your games for ages - think I first played Saccharine on DeviantArt and then played the rest of the games you had on there because I adored that one so much. And IYTH was absolutely amazing - definitely your best game yet - so I'm so excited to check this one out and glad you're still making games!!

Although it's still a bit longer that F&H1's beginning I think, if you choose the dialogue option that's like "I don't have time to talk"/"I have to get going", once you leave the train, you skip the entire rest of the conversation. 

Not totally, but you can skip the majority of the beginning - skip intro (which is probably obvious lol, I'm assuming you already do that) and then when you get to the cutscene when you leave the train, select the option that's like "don't have time to talk" and you can at least skip the majority of the cutscene once you leave the train. Not sure if you're still looking for an answer to this if if this was a feature that hadn't been added yet 2 months ago, but hope this helps. 


This is so cool??? Very creepy and dream-like, yet very sweet at the same time. Michael was also so cool, comforting and terrifying at the same time. I love stories with eldritch-type beings as the protectors of small children. Great job!

I love this game so much, I would love for a guide to it because it's pretty hard to get all the endings lol, but it's a big game so I understand if that would be difficult. Also, does anyone have tips on how to raise your daughter correctly so she doesn't end up as a little brown mushroom? Do you just need to make sure her environment is very good, or are there other elements that affect how well you raised her?

I'll have to look at the exact stats again, but I do remember that you have to have really high charisma and courage for her route (like somewhere between 8 and 12 I think?). Unfortunately there isn't really a way to trigger the encounter, though - it's totally random, and it's frustrating because you can't increase your stats after the event triggers. You kind of just have to keep playing and hoping it triggers at a time when your stats are good, and just like focus all of your free time and stuff on boosting your charisma and courage stats (and maybe your "bad student" stat to 3 at the start so you can skip class to increase charisma/courage). The event can trigger Tuesday morning or after I think.

the last line of this game gets me. also the art in this is so gorgeous omg

Love the game so far!!! Not too far into it yet, but it's super interesting and enjoyable. Just wanted to point out this bug though (didn't really affect anything as far as I can tell, but doesn't seem like it's supposed to be there haha)

No problem!! I'm glad my reply helped!! It's been a while since I've played this game so I'll look stuff up when I get the chance, but YEAH Eleni's route is rough. I was lucky enough to have good stats when her event triggered and I made sure to make a save file when it triggered so I could go back to it again after getting Siri's ending lmao. If the event had triggered when I didn't have good stats I would have Cried aksfhsdkfhsk;

Anyways, what are you struggling with specifically on her route? 

(1 edit)

This is so much fun???? I got all of the characters' endings, 10/10. Every route was unique and interesting in it's own way. I definitely preferred the more serious routes (the sad ones, the ones involving romance, and uh... however you describe Bugbear's route). BUT the sillier ones (i.e. Noah's) were also a nice break/change of tone, especially if you just finished one of the heavier routes. I also like how not all of the characters' successes ends result in romance, and how some of them that DO hint at romance imply that the romance will develop more in the future (since a week is a pretty short time to fall in love with someone, haha). I love this game so much I feel like at some point when I'm less tired, I may write some of my thoughts about each of the characters. For now, I'll say Bugbear's and Luca's routes are really cool and well-liked for a reason. Also Areve's route is super underrated - omg I love her so much, she's so interesting and I would love to learn more about her. Might replay her route at some point haha.

I would seriously eat up another game expanding on some of these characters stories - or, if you don't publish another game, even like a comic or written anthology or something like that would be super cool. Definitely going to look more into some of these artists because I am attached to these characters lol.

((Spoiler warning for Bugbear's route below!!!!!! + discussion of its trigger warnings))

One suggestion, although y'all are done with updates I think, so understandable if you don't add it, but I feel like there should maybe be a trigger warning about how one of the scenes requiring the death/mutliation warning involves a child. Or maybe add more specific trigger warning about a kid people hurt in the guide instead of the game itself if you want to avoid ruining the surprise (and then add in the game "check the guide for more details" or something). The death didn't trigger me personally (like it was disturbing to me obviously, but in a good/effective way, and not in a way that triggered an episode or anything). But it just feels like someone who is comfortable with death/mutilation/gore in general could still find themselves triggered by THAT specific scene, and "extremely disturbing themes" is pretty vague. HOWEVER, it is your game, just a suggestion considering how intense the scene is!!!! And to be clear, I loved Bugbear's route + the horror elements in it so much, he's a very cool and scary villain and such a fun love interest, if you can even call him that lmao.

You want 8 strength and 8 charisma before you meet with Siri, ideally. Try to avoid meeting him before you have these stats. You probably also want to avoid the fourth meeting (which only happens in class, so should be easy enough to avoid) until you have 10 charisma (8 intelligence as well if you want, but that's not really necessary because there's a charisma choice AND an intelligence choice in the same dialogue tree, and I believe you can only choose one - 10 charisma is more useful in Siri's route). Also, all of his main events happen in specific places except for the first one, so make sure to use the guide so you go to the right spots. Or figure out through trial and error where he hangs out if you don't want to use a guide lol.

For Simon, do you mean making sure you have enough of a "good student" stat? Although it does open up an option that increases favour in your first interaction, the other option doesn't decrease your favour, it just doesn't affect favour at all. There are enough other choices in Simon's route (in both his main events and in extracurricular interactions) that you can gain enough favour without choosing that dialogue option. If you mean you can't choose enough "good" dialogue choices, guide should be able to help with that! If you don't want to look at the guide, my advice is to comfort Simon and show him that you believe in him/his abilities. Oh, also most of Simon's interactions happen outside of class, so keep that in mind (although the locations aren't as specific as some of Siri's are).

Hope that helps!! Sorry if it's too long, lmk if you have any more questions or are confused about my explanation!