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A member registered Apr 18, 2020

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(5 edits)

Long time ago someone here asked about recommendations for ifs, similar to Scout.

While this game is in what looks to be an indefinite hiatus, maybe check out Viatica

In my opinion there are similar vibes - dystopian post-apocalyptic deserted world with a small group of survivors and shady government with questionable morales and lots of secrets.

(1 edit)

Because you suggest violating (ok, maybe a harsh term - let's say 'fiddling with') someone else's intellectual property? I mean, sure, if you miss the story - there's always fan art. Write some fanfic, draw an art - find a way to make a tribute to the author and show your love for the story in legal ways, without, you know, copypasting  and reusing (=stealing?) whole parts of it. I'm not fully sure if it can be considered an actual crime - using someone else's creations the way you suggest, if it is for your personal purposes only, but it sure as hell sounds ethically wrong.

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I can't even explain how happy I am to know that there is something to expect further down the road. I absolutely adored Changeling, so when I discovered you were working on Gilded Shadows, I was so hyped. It was different a lot from Changeling, but somehow I felt I gonna love it. Like, when you like the author, their language and style - you know you'll love everything they do. And I was one of the few who from the start loved Caleb. I remember Tumblr debates about Caleb being 'too rude' and questionable, and the possibility of - if I'm not mistaken - even scraping out his route as a RO altogether. And how happy I was that it was not. Caleb's route was my first and turned out to be my favorite. Hands down best boi. And I'm ready to fight anyone saying otherwise.

I'm rambling, but I really am happy to know there's something to look forward to, even after Gilded Shadows ends. So thank you so much for everything you do, for creating your beautiful stories and letting us be a part of the experience.

I am sorry if it turned out to be an unreadable message - English is not my first language, and I am very much drunk 馃槄 - which is also the only reason I'm not feeling too shy to leave this comment in the first place. Just... Thank you. Love your work. 

Thank you so much for allowing us as a player to openly argue with Nerissa's methods and decisions. The way her weak points are shown - her self-righteousness to the point of absurdity and an absolute incapacity to see other points of view - chief kiss. So intrigued to see where you will lead her arc. So many possibilities...! 

Damn... I mean, it's been almost two years, so it's practically a given that the project is likely abandoned, and I'm sad about it just like the rest of you guys here, but some people go as far as speculate that the author may as well be dead at this point?? Isn't it a little bit too intense? I mean, you know, life happens - you lose interest in some projects for the sake of others. Whatever those might be. New jobs' offers, new hobbies, new places of living, or even starting new relationships / family of your own. Why assume the worst off the bat? I'd like to think Anya just has her interests somewhere else now. Pity, truly, but can we just appreciate the author for her marvelous story even in its half through state, without - you know - buring her?? 

Oh. My. God??? Micah is... Perfect? I mean, he's an annoying (annoyingly attractive...) little shit, but like - absolutely perfect? I'd kill to have a friend like this irl. Is it sad to be vibing with a fictional character more than with real people around you? Because I truly do. He's such a rare gem of a person. I've literally spent all my playthrough (playthroughS - there were many of them...) with a huge grin. Thank you so much for one of my new favorite games which I know I will come back to whenever I feel down. 

Such a wonderful comfort game for me. So nice and cozy. And the minigames - very nice touch! I believe that minigames make everything better. Oh, and on a personal note - I LOVE Rye's sweater!

(2 edits)

I'm also thinking, maybe it is a way to somehow redeem Vexx? I mean, yeah, in the process of infiltrating the palace he changed his loyalties, he took liking in the Traveler, Nerissa and her guard (and, probably, had some other friends among the Royal Guard, also). And he had his reasons to work with Zovak, but still he knew from the very beginning what his job is, even before Zovak brainwashed him - to infiltrate the palace, to find the way for Zovak mercs to come and kill the royal family. I mean, yes, the King was a pretty bad man (and a king), but I strongly do believe that violence do not condone more violence. It is absurd. So, yeah, probably that cliffhanger in the end is some type of a... retaliation for Vexx, I guess? 

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I'd like to think there's nothing Ryona and some extra attention and care from one particular newbie couldn't fix.

Well, ok, it's more like I have to believe for the sake of my gentle psyche, but still... 

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Oh, that was cruel! Devs in episodes 1-2 are like "Ok, here is a game with 6 amazing ROs for you all." 3-4 episodes "Well, ok, there's that secret 7th LI character but tssss. " Episode 5 "HAHA WE LIED!!!"

I mean, I understand that's not a case (well, I hope? pretty please? 馃槄 ), but I just can't stop laughing. Poor baby Vexx (seriously, though, poor everyone!). 

(5 edits)

Well, to each their own, I guess, bcs I like such side-stories. I've never felt about it bad or like I'm splitting some couple. Maybe exactly because of those changes in background, which allow you not to feel guilty. These details in characters' lives and their past make the story more natural for me. I personally less like stories where all ROs are just some stereotypical superficial things with no background whatsoever, who are all from the very beginning head over heels with the MC, no matter if you persue their routes or not.
P.S.: for me it is strange to be so opposed to the idea of side routes for ROs. Like, yeah, I'm not interested in your route, but you can't want anyone else. ???

(3 edits)

Well, isn't it kinda common thing for side characters to form their own relationships throughout the game? It makes game richier and somehow more lifelike? If you want to persue some certain character - ok, but otherwise let them live their own life and be happy ;)) I think, it's much more cooler than when all the characters are sadly in love with the MC, even in non-romanceable routes. 

I mean, I'm looking forward to find out who else might be mashed on whom (Bash and Ry, for example). 

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Really liked how MC's room started to change, becoming more lived-in (books, bed sheets - duvet? - one of, I guess, Ryona's plants...). These are so nice details, but they do so much for the atmosphere.

(24 edits)

That's the point. Nothing indicates that there is smth wrong with the MC. In fact, they seem to be strangely too ok? Smiling, joking, willingly communicating with everyone. If I was in a situation like theirs (luckily, I wasn't, but I guess everyone knows death and betrayal and had some painful shit in their life, so we can imagine), I would be absolutely shut down. I'd wanted to be alone, just sitting and staring at the wall for some time, thinking everything through. Few hours or a day, maybe? And I'd definitely took my time crying. I don't think I'd go bantering and flirting with anybody on the spot. And I guess, my reaction would be totally understandable and excusable. The behavior of the MC is opposite to any "normal" reaction in such a tough situation. That is why I guessed they may be in some state of a shock, so that these - jokes, smiles, seeking for a company - are some abient reactions of a kind, protecting the MC from breaking to pieces. But, yes, this is not the ideal explanation. Simply the only one I found at the time.

Upd.: I just thought, that maybe it is not some inner reaction of the MC's brain to prevent serious emotional and psychological damage, but their decision? Growing up in isolation, being the least important member of a royal family, maybe the MC simply started to believe at some point that their thoughts and feelings are meaningless too, and nobody cares and wants to acknowledge them? But that'd mean that the MC is even wreckier than I initially thought. 

(12 edits)

Ok, first of all SPOILER ALERT, and second of all forgive me my bad language both in terms of swearing and grammar : )

I really just can't put my mind about everything...
So, MC had lost their memory. They ended up in the open space at the spaceship with a bunch of total strangers. He/she was literally found in a center of a coup and took aboard like a stray pet. I mean, A6 crew literally kidnapped MC. Well, worked out pretty good at the end as otherwise he/she was most definitely killed, but still - they kidnapped an unconscious heir of the throne!
Then MC started to remember some things, triggered by the person from their past. They literally just starting to realize what's going on. As soon as they remembered - as it seems - the two and only important people in their life, they get to know that one of them is already dead -  murdered altogether with their whole family, - and the other is a liar and a traitor. MC should be angry, frustrated, sad - well, they should have some hard feelings about that, right (or at least any feelings, for f*ck's sake!)? I mean, it's all a huge trauma altogether! And when they try and open up to the only people they really have and know in the whole universe, A6 crew behave like a bunch of total dipshits! Not only Damon (I believe him, btw, that he only vocalized the thought they all had, and, yes, I see some wicked logic there), but all of them right after the MC's revelation desided to grant him/her with their own bad feelings about him/her being a royal. Like, yeah, your family were dicks, and you are a huge danger and responsability for all of us... OH, REALLY?! Poor you!
I kinda waited for the MC to show their teeth. To put them all in place, or to cry, or to disappear in the night without telling anybody, but he/she just stands there with their head low, listening what a dick their father-king was (their MURDERED father-king!) and agreeing with everything! Like - what?! The f*ck is wrong with them? ALL of them!
I just can't get rid from some disappointment. A6 are dicks, and MC is a sissie. I'd personally felt better if we'd have an option to tell them assholes to kindly f*ck off. It would definitely help to release some tension.
I mean, the behavior of everyone in this chapter seems to me really illogical and unnatural. How come it is MC apologizing and comforting everybody and taking their assaultings as granted..?