Nice art and music, Interesting concept.
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Played your game and it was pretty good. Looks kind of like Q*Bert. I would recommend fixing the lighting so that the white rim doesn't show on the tiles as that was very distracting.
Maybe you could even create a timed mode where you have a certain amount of time to complete the level?
Could also have different tile types , maybe some trap tiles that take time away from the player or something.
Anyway Great Concept , Lots of Potential, Keep up the great work!
It is nice to see the progress being made on your project, great work so far!
I do have some pointers as to say:
- Firstly the kunai does NOT work when trying to attack.
- I do like the visual upgrades you have made.
- Also I think the newer movement system is a blessing in disguise.
I am aware that the game is still in its early stages and I do hope you continue the development as I see this game
has a lot of potential to be great if taken in the right direction.
Good Luck with your Development Journey!
I played your Alpha and would like to note a few things:
* Walking down and up stairs causes collision problems.
* There is no kill zone (or if you aren't going for that when I fell off the ship there was no way to get back onto the ship).
* Enemies swarm the player way to quickly for a player to be able to take care of them as the animation for the attacks on the player character is delayed and doesn't feel fun to use.
I do get that it is an Alpha Build and for 5 weeks so far it is a decent build although I do believe that it is better to get the player character feel down and working to the best possible point and I think fixing the above things I've mentioned will help a lot to make the game better.
Good Luck with the rest of Development I wish you all the Best!
A wonderful world that knows no bounds!
Where gravity itself changes to suit a mere ball!
Explore many puzzle adventures using natures own weapon , Gravity!