Thank you all for the work you put in!
Cheers (^_^)../
Amazing concept, but unfortunately I played on a laptop, and it doesn't have a mechanical keyboard. Jumping using spacebar is fine, but it constantly eats inputs like [A + E] or [D + E]. This, combined with gravity-based acceleration and narrow blue doors, makes a lot of the precision-based jumps borderline impossible. My only work-around was letting go of D/A for as short a time-frame as possible, otherwise I wouldn't make it to the next platform.
The levels are short enough that adding a death counter and a timer would encourage speedruns and no-death runs, though. Replayability is definitely here!
I appreciate the hitbox based interface, and the color-coding on the enemies (both in terms of stats and AI behavior). It only took a few tries to figure out the differences between the Reds, Blues, and Greens, although I find the scaling on their stats made Blue doors worth more than Red or Green doors.