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A member registered Oct 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for your comment! This is indeed a problem, I didn't state the rules of the game clearly, now I need to write the rules of the game in the introduction.

Thank  you  for ur  feedback!

This game has a really good thought , I really like the soundeffects in the game great work!

Thank you for ur feedback!

I watched the replay of your stream. Thank you for your evaluation of this game!Very happy you like this game!

Thank you for ur feedback , I am glad you like this game!

Thank you for ur feedback! When we first thought about the game levels, we actually designed two tutorial levels to guide players to understand the gameplay. However, there is not enough time before the deadline. We can only write a lot of text descriptions on the webpage. I am glad that these descriptions have helped you. Unclear game introduction is our current problem. Thank you !

This game does not introduce the concept and gameplay of the game clearly. This is our current problem. Thank you for your feedback!!

Thank you for your feedback. This is in our plan. We will always update this game. And thank you for playing this game!

Thank you for your feedback. We are also aware of this problem. This game does not introduce the core gameplay and concept of the game in detail. We will always update this game and continue to improve it. and Thank you for your affirmation!

Thank you for your very detailed feedback!We may not clearly express the idea of the game in the game hah . We have updated how to play on the webpage.

Thank you for your very detailed feedback. We have updated how to play on the webpage. The how to play in the main menu of the game may not clearly express the idea of the game. wish you play it again!

The graphics is amazing  ,I really enjoyed this game, well done!

Thank you for your feedback. Your words gave us the greatest encouragement cuz we are really not good at drawing. try a little bit while making this game. Thank you for your suggestions! We think so too, but there is really no time before the deadline haha.

Nice game , The idea of this game gave me a lot of inspiration!

Thank you for the feedback , we will update this game in the future, thank you for playing this game!

Thank you for playing this game!