sorry man :( unity be like that
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So sorry you are lost. In order to get the full version follow these steps
1. Pledge on patreon.
2. DM or ping waifudev on my discord in #friday-night-fappin-support see link -->
3. I will grant patreon status.
It gets the latest image. feel free to try out our discord bot here on the official server
DM me on discord please I will fix this for you.
Before: We used to relase a character a month with 5 animations
Currently: We now take 3months to release a character with 11 animations and 2 climaxes
Before: we used a fast animator with good quality
Currently: we have 1 artist + 1 seperate animator with good quality.
So the pipeline is slower
People are just used to the 1 char a month thing which is no longer the case.