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Finest Fable.

Follow a deadbeat drunk on a adventure to get his drink back from the legendary hero of Light who is attempting to save the world from the evil Dark Lord in this turn based RPG.

Try it out Here

A new version should come out very soon with everything like that fixed up! 
I'm sorry that the old version is messy.

Finest Fable

First things first:

You must be asking yourself: just the general store? yes. The selection of items was incredibly lacking in the original demo and thus i've decided to add these to make the experience a bit more diverse. However, they'll be the only items you can buy.

There'll be no shop improovements, better equipment will always be found in chests or dropped by strong enemies, but this doesn't mean that the items sold aren't worth their value. As it stands, you cannot buy more than one type of equipment, having shop items be the backup will always be a good and welcoming thing.

Examples of items:

Rogue's Cloak

Rogue's Cloak

An item that is incredibly useful to avoid damage, however, it's also got the luck raising feat, which allows players to deal more damage with items. It plays part for players who wish to be a little bit more reckless with a particular character. Being more out there dealing damage and avoiding hits or exploiting weaknesses with the many items at their leisure.

Medic Mantle

Medic Mantle

Worn by certified medics and wannabe battle medics with the propper licensing. These garmets will provide decent protection but also a little boost to health. Health management is incredibly important considering the many options that you have aren't as reliable than the many consumables at your disposal. Survivability is key so being able to tank one or two more hits will prove useful.

Rooster Mask

Rooster Mask

A mostly offensive item, the rooster mask will serve its role in simply boosting your offensive capabilities as well as your speed. Despite how silly it may look, the violent urges it gives are enormous!

Protective Mask


Once worn by police and later discontinued and sold as a civilian grade equipment, this mask provides incredible defensive capabilities, however, your health will be neutered a little bit. Its benefit is that attacks that'd make your character see worse are completely counter acted, making it useful for most situations.

These are but a few of the kinds of equipment you may want to get throughout your adventure and that will always be there in case you ever need a small boost in any particular aspect. Without harsh drawbacks, these are the most reliable items you'll be able to get in the game.

The new animations:

Back in the year old demo, the enemies had no animations, meaning that they'd be completely unpredictable regarding what types of attacks the player could feasably see coming and adapt. Now, whenever someone uses a skill, an animation will play and a simple indicator will display what kind of effect such a move does. You are able to see a glimpse of them in Here.


The New States:

The following three states are quite simple, they effectively do a particular thing that will be displayed in battle whenever you get it. They still existed in the year old demo, but they've been more refined so the player can have a better understanding of what actually will be going on.



Rush is a state that increases the growth of adrenaline each turn. It's simple and can be applied with any skills and items that produce the effect.

Adrenaline is pretty important for characters that rely on "Techniques" over "Attunements", with a few exception.



Growth is health recovery every turn. Useful in a pinch when you have a character that needs to tank a few hits or if you're lacking the necessary items to compensate.



Focus is essencially magic recovery per turn. Good for people who actually use their attunements, like the healer party member that you get early on in the prologue. With these far more identifiable in battle, I feel like the flow of combat will be far better and far more compreensible.


The save point, Pointman, has been completely remade, featuring new graphics and different reactions to what the player may say to them while also revealing just a bit more of what they actually look like under the hood without fully revealing themselves. After all, they're meant to be mysterious.Pointman being proud.

They're gonna follow the player along, typically near important landmarks so the player never misses them and is never in harms way. The general mechanics have already been made since the year old demo, but the refinements were recently finished, thus giving Pointman a new vibrant look.


Without showing everything, I can say that it's been complete. Everything from the character interactions to interiors have been 100% finished, concluding progress on this town once again after its year old debut. Most NPCs are unique in their own regards and most tend to react to situations that happen around the town as the player will eventually notice.

The town under constant construction has busy workers, a few adventurers and business men trying to bring a profit to their own lives


Firstown's Inn.

Don't mind the inside of the Inn however, things are just always weird.

Progress on Twofar:

Again, I cannot show everything, but I can say that current progress is about 35%, having the town itself already populated, but needing to conclude all the interiors, which are plentyful. Luckily some of them have locked their doors so no random strangers barge in.

The border

The Border between North and South Midi is a little more sophisticated than most towns, having a more modern look to it, but having just as much strangeness to it. From paranoid farmers to thieves in plain sight that are too awful to be considered a threat. If there's something going on, it's likely never normal.

Saturday Update: Battle backgrounds

The Old

Before then, the graphics belonged to the "Time Fantasy" Pack, a very saturated and vibrant tileset that had a variety of colorful items and landscapes to pick from. As such, the battle bagrounds needed to be equally as vibrant in color, but still have a tint of black to disassociate the players from focusing at anything other than the enemies that they were fighting, since that is and always will be the main concern. Some examples on how they onced looked can be shown below:

Captura de ecr 2023 08 13 1326

The general layout remains the same, the lower parts of the screen remaining black so the characters health, magic and adrenaline bars are easier on the eyes. Furthermore there is no backgrounds otherwise it'd be too cluttered, therefore there wouldn't be any predominant focus anywhere around.

The New

The new asthetic is autumn. The colors are still vibrant, but the color scheme has changed a little bit with handmade sprites getting the 1940's Magitech asthetic the game's going for.

Whislt still generalist, displaying areas of interest, the color scheme has changed to let the black flow and contrast well with the backgrounds, not as a form of background limitation, but as a complementary color to the scene.

The changes are visually drastic. But they're far more fitting to the general idea that the game has going on. I chose it to be this way so the black is included, the bars are far more easely read and the newly implemented enemy health bars are also easier to see.

The single rule i'm implementing is a lack of clutter. Everything needs to be simple in the way it's drawn. No more than 3 colors. A base color, a highlight and a darker color. Also having a texture akin to a page from a book, to go along with the new battle transition, focusing a little bit on the idea that this battle is being narrated by someone.

Personally, I feel like this is far more fitting than the prior ones, with far more personality and that it can carry an identity of its own and to stand out more. There'll be no need for many battle backgrounds in Finest Fable, but I hope that the ones present are enough to carry the game's asthetic through the end.

Finest Fable

Saturday Update: 

The NPCs are in the making and the majority is going to be unique! They'll be living their lives while you venture the country.

Saturday Update: 29/07/2023

In the original demo, the beach area was closed off completely, so I've decided to open up things for your own leisure.

You know? Ports tend to have boats and boats have cargo, so you might find pretty good stuff there.

That means a lot... Thank you 😊💕💕

Saturday Update 22/07/2023

Comparison between Old and New~

Nationia is brewing.

Saturday Update 9 / 07

I'm a little late but it's fine. I'll tease a new location.

Saturday Update 1 / 07
Climbing and Falling. Wonder what'll be good for~

Saturday Update 24 / 6 
I've upgraded the overworld UI so it fits the asthetic!

Plus a bonus ralph! He loves you! 

😊 That makes me very happy to know!~

Saturday Update 10 / 6

Here's a comparison between the old character portraits with the new ones.

It'll feature 13 different emotions compared to the original 7 for more variety in conversation!~

Saturday Update 20 / 5 
Pointman now has more reactions.

Finest Fable.

Saturday Update 13 / 5 
The hospital's interior design is finished and i'm currently working on the next town.

There's a cathedral in it!

Saturday Update 22 / 4
Not much to report, but the hospital is in it's way to being made.

However this is still a big Work in progress.

Due to the limitations of the engine I am forced to keep it ambiguous. The darkness of it comes in the context of the world whilst still having some sort of natural feel to it, if that makes sense.
Tho i'm glad it's servicable 😊

Thank you so much! 😊💕

That makes me happy actually given that earthbound is also one of their artistic inspirations . 😊
It's not entirely similar to earthbound obviously but I did want to keep the good vibes.
I'm glad I could convey the asthetic! 
If you know of anything I could make better, please do say! 

(And yes, it's referenced not only to the pissing baby statues but the general pose IS from calvin and hobbes)

Finest fable is about a drunk going on an adventure trying to get his drink back from the chosen hero that set off to devil the evil dark lord. It's a parody of many rpgs and their tropes. 😊
If you want to try out the old demo, you can! Not much is going to change gameplay wise and the general story is going to remain the same.  I'm giving it the new look it always deserved. If you want to try it out, check it Here

Finest Fable

Hello! Refer to me as Nunny! 
I'm an artist that makes rpg maker games mostly. I choose to do it due to my passion for turn based rpgs and strategy games.
I tend to juggle between doing art and devving but i assure that i'm always busy on either side of the spectrum.

While some things are still a bit of a work in progress, I wanted to focus the attention of my project Finest Fable on its asthetics and visual design that is being revamped from the ground up.

I wanted to know how it looks like and if the style matches the type of game presents.
To already give an impression, this is a comedy game set in a dark fantasy setting.

The humor isn't entirely over the top but it's not afraid to be a little stupid here and there.

Saturday Update 15 / 4

Fable's season has been established to make sense in the narrative. 
It'll be set in Autumn.

Saturday Update 25 / 3 

I ended up missing the last one, but that just meant I could get more stuff ready.
There'll be a new addition to the game, and that'll be trains! 

So I figured out that I don't need to make individual posts for each Saturday Update.

I'll keep adding updates below every saturday.
(when I actually have something relevant or interesting to show off)

Please give me feedback if you see anything that could be tweaked! 

Saturday Update: 11 / 3

The inside of the well has been made, as well as the  darkness that follows it.
Torches are still a work in progress.

Grasses, Landmarks and forests, everything a little town in the middle of nowhere needs.

Despite having some initial issues, basic housing is complete, therefore towns can start being made.

Finest Fable's tilesets are on their way!
In regards to their completion, i'm pretty close to getting the necessary stuff done, around 50 - 60% done.
Landscape and Interiors have been completed, so dungeons and caves should be the last things to do.