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A member registered Apr 30, 2023

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but you want a good game with a lot of content a good story and top tier animations yes? that takes time, a lot of time. especially when you have to mix game development with your normal life

game development is kinda hard if you didnt know

it would be nice if there was a tutorial or somethin to explain the rules

This entire community is just the mental illness overpowered the horny

bro it fr aint that deep. its literally a bunch of pixels on a screen. It aint real.

it is a furry game tho. Still hot af(not a furry i swear:<)

unless your phone has one built in you would most likely need an app to extract it

is not horny water its just very silly pink water

just punch him a couple times then bait his attack and dodge through.

Unfortunately due to some dumb rule has  it cant be sold here so you either have to go to JaShinn's Fantia or Ci-en. Or you can wait for it to be available on DLsite(IDK When)

its not till tomorrow pal

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is it as useless as complaining about a harem game having you date all the girls?

Then dont play a harem game if you dont want to be with all the girls silly man

Komisari should add the ability to make a grilled cheese sandwich

My respect for Komisari has jumped up by a ton after this

Found a new bug similar to the masturbating right as syahata is about to give birth. If syahata is being attacked while she is trying to save at a rest point it does the same thing as the other bug. It should only be a problem if she gives birth to baby enemies inside a safe zone near a rest point. I suggest pausing the game while the save menu is up to avoid that.

On a power scaling level how overpowered is Jimmy? In my honest opinion he could probably beat goku.

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Honestly you should probably nerf the hell out of the spider babies. Or maybe add a new stomp feature to take out baby creatures that cant be taken out with the staff. They make the spider cave hell if you get unlucky with them. (off topic) I know you probably get this question a lot but when would it be available on steam? Would love to support you but i cannot read the languages Ci-en and Fantia are in.

I mean you can still go for a virgin route, but surrendering is sometimes the better option. Not saying you have to finish it but you can offer yourself and then break free. Works well for hordes of enemies and the lil guys that come from eggs. Those little fuckers are hard to kill.

See this right here is how to do a porn game right. Instead of the sex being a "punishment" for losing(even though we all know its what we play the game for), but instead is an alternate option for taking hits from the enemies you come across.  Top tier work JaShinn. Though i do wish there was a beastiality toggle which replaced the dogs and rats with something different if you arent exactly into that.