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My dearest friends, hello! I've recently released an update for Trauma Pro Wrestling, the silly little game i've been working on the past few months. Maybe not as big an update one would expect give the time passed between the last one, but as the saying goes: i've been busy.
Either way, down below you'll find all the details regarding the update, have fun!
DOWLOAD TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-Introduced the LAST LAUGH match type, in which the winner is the last player to score a pin within the time limit.
-Introduced new dialogue scenes with Mascherata, the world heavyweight champion of Trauma Pro.
-Increased the average health bar for all wrestlers.
-Fixed a bug where the NPCs in Gauntlet mode could be spawned with higher statistics than intended.
-Pins that don't end the match will now reset both players positions.
-Edited the top rope collisions so that they wouldn't trigger accidentally when hitting the ropes while on the ground.
-Also fixed a bug that wouldn't allow you to jump from the top rope under specific circumstances.
-Decreased the chance of stipulation matches to happen on a weekly basis in Career mode.
-Dodging and doing backflips now moves you further away from your original position.
-Fixed a bug that would deal electric ropes damage for rope breaks when it shouldn't.
-Fixed a bug that would sometimes trigger count-outs when it shouldn't.
-The timer will be counting down instead of up, so you will always know how many minutes you have left for any given stipulation.
-Replaced the old intro with another one.
-A few animations have been slightly altered.
-The Info section regarding moves now informs you of the effects of each move.
-Reintroduced the camera perspective locked behind the player's back.
Alright, my dearest friends, the penultimate update for Trauma Pro Wrestling is now officially online! I wish i could have recorded a devlog explaining and showing all the changes i've made to celebrate the occasion, but i've been sick for days and i doubt my voice is going to get better any time soon, so here we are.
The very last update will come out somewhere around the latter half of december, meanwhile you can read all the changes made to the game down below!
PLAY TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-The God Mode option has now been made available in the Match Settings menu.
-Beating the high score for the Gauntlet will now unlock a new arena to use in customized matches, this arena will also replace the current one for the Gauntlet match.
-Beating the Handicap Match will now unlock a new password to input in the Custom Data menu.
-The AI has been reworked to be less competitive on average and to use a larger variety of moves.
-Straps can be put on and off in training mode once unlocked.
-Several changes have been made to the UI.
-Several changes have been made to the animations.
-Taunts will refill a bigger amount of Trauma.
-Kicks and other range-affecting moves have been made more effective against enemy AI.
-The high score for the Gauntlet has been lowered and the opponents you'll have to face have been made weaker.
-Overdoses are now more likely to happen when consuming drugs in Career Mode.
-Punches now have a wider hitbox.
-The damage from touching someone who just bumped on the ropes has been reduced.
-Fixed a bug that would occasionally allow the AI to pin you under otherwise impossible circumstances.
-Rope breaks are no longer possible inside steel cages.
-Rope breaks on electrified ropes will damage the player.
-Other unremarkable bug fixes.
-You won't have to restart a new Career if you exit the Career screen without doing any action after you just started it.
-A link for the game's actual soundtrack has been added in the Credits screen.
-The gameplay tips that can be seen during loading screens are now accessible in the Info section.
-Linux and macOS builds have been fully updated and are available again.
My dearest friends, hello.
I have a new update for my cool wrestling game, Trauma Pro Wrestling. In my last devlog i said that my latest update for the game would have also been the last, but i was lying. Down below you will find a list of some more new stuff i've added/changed this past week.
You can download Trauma Pro Wrestling on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-The splipperyness of the ring mat can now be tweaked in the Match Settings menu.
-The length of the strap for Strap Matches can now be tweaked in the Match Settings menu.
-You will be redirected to the Career Mode screen after winning a Career match instead of being sent to the main menu.
-Beating the high score in the Draw a Dime Special Match will buff all the effects of the Bonus Coins you pick in Career Mode.
-Small intro animations have been made for both wrestlers before the beginning of a match.
-Fixed a bug that wouldn't properly reset stats when picking up a Reset Coin and using Mastro Illustre as a manager in Career Mode.
-Skipping a match consumes one action in Career Mode, and so does taking a dive and bribing your opponents.
-The rewards for beating the Special Matches are now stated in their description.
-Text to remind you what match type you're on will be shown on the bottom of the screen.
-Adjusted the following animations: dropkick, left and right punch, shove, throw, dropkick, superkick and stun.
-Few minor aesthetic improvements have been made.
-Few minor bugs have been fixed.
A new update will be posted around a week from now, that one will be more focused on introducing new content rather than small stuff like this.
My dearest friends, i've finally finished my development on Trauma Pro Wrestling! Down below you find a list of all the changes that i've applied to the game over the course of the last few weeks.
This has been a very long journey, much longer than i anticipated going in, but looking back i can finally say that the game is exactly the way i want it to be, and i hope that you can enjoy playing it as much as i enjoyed making it!
PLAY TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
I've also put together one last neat trailer to put all the features that the game offers in its entirety all in one place, for your personal enjoyment:
New Features:
-Introduced the Strap Match among the selectable Special Matches! Beating it will allow you to use the strap in exhibition matches as well!
-You can now select the option, at the beginning of each Career run, to limit the amount of actions that you are granted in between each match (this does not include purchases). You will also receive a slight bump in your post match rewards for choosing the option.
Minor Changes:
-Stat changes made on your created character for the Career mode are now also applied to normal matches.
-You can now randomize colors in the character editor.
-Certain stipulation of all pre-existing Special Matches have been changed.
-Fixed the position of an object in the character editor/created character.
-Fixed a bug that would ruin the animation loops under certain circumstances.
-The damage bonus dealt by critical hits has been increased.
-Critical hits now have their own particle effects.
-Added new questions to the interview section in Career mode.
-Touched up and redrawn a few sprites.
-Lowered the price to purchase Special Matches in Career mode.
-Added a new cutscene for Career mode.
-Slightly improved on the Coffin Drop animation.
-Touched up the physics for normal and slipper ring mats.
-Actual gameplay suggestions will occasionally show up during loading times.
-Other minor aesthetic improvements.
-Other minor bug fixes.
I've also tried updating the nearly 3 years old Unity build i've been using this whole time and all it did was turn off all the entire fucking lighting system for no reason.
Alright, now i feel like i can finally move on to my next project. Very excited about what's to come next! (I'll still fix any bug that's reported to me!)
PLAY THE GAME HERE! https://nuskadamo.itch.io/help-your-butch-lesbian-friend-get-laid
Folks, this is insane.
Help your childhood friend Zozzona conquer the heart of her bicurious friend, Maremma! Unfortunately for our hero, Zozzona has never dated a woman before, and as stupid of an idea that may sound, she's asking for your knowldge on the matter of conquering women. Will you help her make the right choices? Or will you make her fall flat on her face? But more importantly, will she let you watch? This and more questions are soon to be answered...
Oi there, nice people! With today's update i'm officially ending the development for Trauma Pro Wrestling. I know i said two updates ago that i didn't have anything else to add to the game in terms of content, but i'm not one to be trusted. I've worked on a couple of new things and re-worked a few others, and that's that! I'll be fixing any bugs that gets reported, but i'll stop adding or rebalancing anything else in the game from now on. Phew.
GRAB TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING ON STEAM FOR FREE: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
Down below you can read everything that i've done in the last 3 days.
You can now fight against the Sleeper Heads in a 2v1 competition, unlockable with the rest of the special matche types that you can buy in Career Mode!
Once before every match you can choose to get asked questions by TV personality Mel Spencer on various topics, and your answers will result in different temporary perks regarding your reputation and your wrestler's statistics!
-Added the Coffin Drop move, which can be triggered by touching a steel cage while in mid-air.
-Career mode now starts with 1 free Match Skip instead of 3.
-A few of the achievements for Career mode have been made easier to obtain.
-All the Bonus items have been easier to obtain.
-The Shove attack bumps your opponent further.
-All types of kick have had their statistics rebalanced.
-Throwing someone now increases the First Blood bar.
-Attacks in mid-air can now be excecuted earlier.
-The range of your punches has been slightly increased.
-The hitboxes of the moves emitting aura have been enlarged.
-The Gauntlet and Draw a Dime special matches now have high scores to beat.
-A couple of bug fixes.
-The background video on the main menu has been replaced with one featuring updated gameplay.
-Some UI elements have been tweaked.
-A graphical bug in the Career mode intro screen has been fixed.
-More minor details not worth mentioning individually.
Oi there, my dearest friends. A new update for Trauma Pro Wrestling is now online! It's mostly finer details and stuff like bug fixes and minor improvements, but i've also added a couple of new things here and there, despite me saying in the last update that i wasn't planning on making new content for the game. S-tier pathological liar, i'm telling you.
DOWNLOAD TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING FOR FREE: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-6 new dialogue scenes have been made available for Career mode, one of which will trigger a special event.
-A button to randomize objects in the character editor has been added.
-There's now a section in the main menu dedicated to links to other games i made.
-The pinning system is now less RNG heavy and more dependant on the overall health disparity between both wrestlers.
-Cages now are less bouncy than ring ropes, and the electricified variant deals more damage than electrified ring ropes.
-A few attacks have been made more powerful.
-Cooldown between moves has been slightly reduced.
-AI will now use certain moves more frequently.
-AI will not be more careful to not bump into electrified ropes.
-The average number of ref bumps needed to lose via DQ has been increased.
-The referee will recover from getting accidentally hit a lot faster.
-The Career achievements screen now tells you how to unlock all the Bonus items.
-The main menu screen has remade.
-Some elements of the match UI have been improved upon.
-Sligthly improved the models of a few different characters.
-The referee's head will occasionally follow each player.
-A small cloud of smoke will appear every time you fall into the ground.
-8 different character models have received slight tweaks.
-"But whose side is he on?" is now spelled correctly.
-During certain match types the finishing sequence will be seen in slow motion.
-Minor improvements too small to mention individually.
-The cowboy hat and Toni Napoli's haircut will now display the correct colors in the Career mode screen.
-The fat and skinny women's body types will now always display correctly.
-A minor graphic glitch in the Match Settings screen has been fixed.
-The roof of the Sacred Grounds arena has been fixed.
-Running will consume your Intensity bar as intended.
-Fixed the hitboxes of one type of ring rope.

Oi there, nice people. I recently decided to make SKULLFracture free! It's pretty much just Trauma Pro Wrestling but without the wrestling part and a lot more cheaper animations, but it's also got a bunch of stuff that makes it stand out like proper boss battles and a bunch of fun minigames and different match types! I've also decided to make the prototype version of the game available after i've privated it a long time ago, it's directly included in the download page of the game, which is this one right here: https://nuskadamo.itch.io/skullfracture-free-edition
Hope you all enjoy!
Humans have lived for thousands of years in relative peace, having to fear only their own cruelty, but this was never meant to last.
The Blue Men, an ancient race of warriors thought to have been exhiled forever, have made their return, and they want to reclaim their spot at the top of the food chain.
Will humans put aside their differences for the greater good? Or will they die by the hands of the Blue Men? This is the story of SKULLFracture!
SKULLFracture is the latest creation of Nuskadamo, notorious to few, irrelevant to most, and it's a 3D fighting game that promises to leave a lasting impression on the player!
-21 Characters -12 Arenas -A single player campaign with multiple challenges and bosses! -6 different endings -6 cool mini-games! -A highly customizable exhibition mode -A local Multiplayer -And MORE!
And if enough of you buy this game i MIGHT consider working on an online multiplayer feature. But you'll have to ask nicely.
SKULLFracture - FREE EDITION also comes with the prototype build of the game included, in case you love yourselves some jank!
Hey, nice people.
Today i'm here to show you what's likely to beTrauma Pro Wrestling last content update.
This game's Career mode has had a lot to do, in terms of moral choices and character customization, but it never had a proper story to follow and get invested in. Well, that changes today! For every title win and with every key event available you will be graced with over 20 newly written dialogue scenes between you and Promoter, the mysterious owner of Trauma Pro Wrestling!
I've also created a Linux and MacOs build for the game, in case anyone was interested!
PLAY TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING FOR FREE: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-Certain particle effects have been replaced.
-A camera shake effect has been added whenever someone takes a bump.
-Better lighting system in all the arenas.
-Slight edits to certain arenas.
-Slight edits to certain character models.
-Added a few new animations and improved others.
-One camera angle has been reworked.
-Minor details and bug fixes.
-First Blood mode has been rebalanced.
-You need less Reputation to earn title shots in Career Mode.
-The "Draw a Dime" and "Gauntlet" minigames have been rebalanced.
-Cooldowns, hitboxes and damage ranges of most moves have been rebalanced.
-AI behaviour has been reworked to be more effective in certain match types.
-Hands can have their colors changed individually in the character editor.
-Minor details and bug fixes.
I have crammed pretty much everything that i could inside this game, and i'm satisfied with the result. But then again, i change my mind a lot.
Welcome to TRAUMA Pro Wrestling, a promotion that doesn't kiss ass, nor draw money! Your road to stardom begins today, here's what we got in store for you! https://nuskadamo.itch.io/trauma-pro-wrestling
-10 different match types, each customizable with steel cages, electric barbed wire & more!
-A deep Career mode in which you can become a dastardly heel, a beloved babyface, or a mix of both!
-A character editor that allows you to create your dream superstar from head to toe!
-Complete control over the game's rules, physics and AI to guarantee replayability and experimentation!
-Over 20 wrestlers and 10 arenas to choose from!
Since you were wearing diapers and it's always been your dream to compete in one of our rings, so there you go! Now it's your chance to prove your worth! Don't be afraid to take shortcuts, especially if in the form of heavy drugs, and always remember that if your gimmick doesn't work for you, brother, you can persuade the bookers to change it.
...Cash only, thanks.
Hey idiots, Trauma Pro Wrestling is now FREE! And i worked on a big update for the game to celebrate!
Download it on Steam right now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
Or my itch.io page: https://nuskadamo.itch.io/trauma-pro-wrestling
Down below you can find a list of all the updates:
-The Big Momma boss battle has been made easier.
-Defeating Big Momma with any ranking will unlock the arena used for her boss battle in Exhibition matches.
-You can now change the size of a created character's head.
-New achievements have been made unlockable for Career Mode.
-You can now select a different color for the character models outlines.
-You can now change the average amount of Intensity for all wrestlers in the Match Settings menu.
-You can now turn off the Intensity bar altogether.
-Training mode now features an option to turn off the Intensity in the middle of a match.
-You can now change the average time frame a ref will stay down after being hit by a move.
-Sponsorships are now available in career mode. Once per match you can advertise a product in exchange of extra cash, but at the cost of your reputation.
-A playlist for the game's unofficial sountrack has been made available in the main menu.
-New commentary voices have been added.
-Added a few extra animations and improved other pre-existing ones.
-Fixed a few bugs.
-Made a few minor aesthetic improvements.
This MIGHT be the last update for the game, but i'm not entirely sure just yet. I still have a couple of ideas as to what to improve. I guess we'll see.
Also, check out this cool new trailer.
Alright, i'm exhausted. This update for Trauma Pro Wrestling was supposed to come out next week but i ended up finishing it a lot earlier than i expected, so there you go, nice people.
It's gonna be the last update for the game in a bit and UNLIKE THE LAST TWO TIMES this time i do legitimately mean it. Still got ideas on how to improve the game, but i wanna do something else right now.
BUY TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling
-Added Big Momma to the Special Matches section, a boss battle under the rules of TKO where you can't stun your opponent.
-Added Standing Splash, Throw and a second Headbutt variant to the move list.
-Added the option to increase momentarily your statistics by working out before a match, at the cost of your Health bar, Trauma bar and Intensity bar.
-Doing steroids before a work out session prevents the risks of injury.
-Other minor changes.
-Added 1 new type of selectable item for Boots, Hands, Eyes and Bodies.
-Added 1 new selectable size.
-Added new lines to commentary.
-Modified one of the camera angles.
-Cleaned up some of the animations.
-Fixed a few bugs.
-Modified some of the gameplay mechanics.
My dearest friends, just this last weekend i said that the update i released for Trauma Pro Wrestling on saturday would have been the last one in a while. Well, i'm afraid i lied again. These past 2 days i felt particularly inspired, and created enough content to make up a whole week worth of updates, so let's run them down. Check out Trauma Pro Wrestling's Steam page! store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling
-Added the options to make donations to a charity to increase your Reputation.
-Added the option to pay someone to beat up your opponent before a match.
-Decreased pricings for pretty much everything.
-Added the Gauntlet match type, unlockable through the Career mode.
-Added Shoulder Tackle and Headbutt to the move list.
-Added the option to entirely remove body parts from you character in the editor.
-Reintroduced the Shoot Interviews, unlockable through the Career mode.
-Added more lines to the commentary team.
-Minor quality of life improvements.
-Cleaned up some of the animations and added a few more.
-Fixed a few more bugs here and there.
Next week i will release Trauma's last proper big update, and after than i'll just make sure to clean up bugs and stuff like that when reported. See ya!
My dearest friends, this is the last update i'm gonna publish for Trauma Pro Wrestling in a bit. I still have many ideas on what to add and improve upon, but as of the next few weeks i'm gonna use my meagre game developer skills on the pursuit of something different, for a change. In the meantime, enjoy this new trailer i put together for the game, to showcase a few of the changes that have been implemented since the game released, around a month ago.
GRAB TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING ON STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-Added the option to choose a gimmick before beginning your career, instead of starting with none.
-Added a new type of overdose.
-Minor balancing changes and bug fixes.
-Added a match setting that regulates if you regain health after getting pinned in 2-of-3 falls matches and ironman matches.
-Added a match setting that regulates the average health bar size.
-Added new moves and diversified the effects of those already present.
-Added a taunt function.
-Fixed some of the animations and added a few more.
-Fixed some more bugs.
-Slightly reworked the AI.
- Slightly reworked gameplay mechanics.
My dearest friends, Trauma Pro Wrestling has reveived yet another weekly update! Maybe not as bulky as the past ones, but just as important, since it takes care of a few new pesky bugs i've been made aware of. Next week i will publish the game's last update, but until then you can buy it on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-Added a new type of match, unlockable through Career mode.
-Added the option to select a specific arena for each weekly show and PPV in Career mode.
-Added the option to change the level of friction of the ring mat.
-Added a new match customization setting.
-Added cheats input.
-Added several new moves.
-Added new body parts for the editor.
-Added new Career mode achievements.
-Multiple balance improvements, mostly for the Career mode.
-Multiple aesthetic improvements, mostly in the form of new animations, audio changes and lighting adjustments.
-Fixed a few bugs and added a couple of QoL features.
Hey there, nice people. Over the course of the week i made a series of updates to Trauma Pro Wrestling. In this post i'm going to list all of them.
The reason the updates have been posted on a daily basis and not in bulk is because i noticed my previous update caused a few extra bugs to the Career mode that i fixed along the way. Sorry for the inconvenience. Either way...
-A new match type has been implemented, called Hot Potato. It's pretty much what you'd think: you need to pass the "hot potato", in this case a bomb, to your opponent by attacking him, and when his timer reaches a certain time, it explodes.
-A series of 15 achievements has been added to the Career mode, to make it more replayable.
-Multiple new moves have been added and animated.
-A bunch of aesthetic and balance changes have been made, in addition to lots of bug fixes.
-Other minor additions.
BUY TRAUMA PRO WRESTLING: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
My dearest friends, Trauma Pro Wrestling's first update is officialy online, and it's a big one!
Go grab the game on Steam now and start slamming people into the mat! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
-Added the Trauma Bar, a bar that needs to be filled in order to stun your opponent. Before its introduction, stunning on hit depended on RNG. -Added two new match settings, on that regulates how long a referee stays down after being hit, and another that regulates how long the Trauma Bar is. -Added two new types of coin, one that resets all upgrades and downgrades when picked, and another that give a random effect. -Added two new arenas. -Recolored and reworked a lot of the interface. -Big performance boost for lower end PCs.
-Created characters can now be used without having to purchase them, same for Mascherata. -One new type of Injury, Manager, Drug and Gimmick each has been added. -You can now give the promotion a custom name. -A few more RNG based events have been added. -Monthly Saudi events have been added, offering great monetary rewards at the cost of your Popularity. -Added the option, in certain occasions, to take a dive during a match and intentionally lose for money. -The mode's interface has been completely reworked.
-Remodeled a lot of body parts.
-Added multiple new parts for all accessories and a few body parts. -Added new selectable colors. -Hands, ears and ear rings are now selectable separately. -You can now write your own character biography. -You can now select among 3 different kinds of boots. -Range and height changes can be directly seen in the editor screen.
-Added the option to randomly select arenas and wrestlers.
-Added the option to turn off music.
-Added new options for Training Mode.
-Minor aesthetic and gameplay bug fixes.
-Minor aesthetic improvements related to animations, sprites and particle effects.
-Other stuff.
Welcome to TRAUMA Pro Wrestling, a promotion that doesn't kiss ass, nor draw money!
Fight in all sorts of match types, such as cage match, last man standing, electric barbed-wire, ironman and MORE! Customize your experience down to the most minute details in order to create all sorts of dream matches!
Create your superstar to look just like you, pick your ideal gimmick and start slamming people into the mat in our innovative Career Mode! Don't be afraid to take shortcuts, especially if in the form of heavy drugs, and always remember that if your gimmick doesn't work for you, brother, you can persuade the bookers to change it. Cash only, thanks.
Oi everyone! I recently published a video where i talk about the career mode and character editor for a wrestling game i'm working on, thought you'd wanna take a peek maybe!
The game's Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2836630/TRAUMA_Pro_Wrestling/
Hey nice people, i've been spending the last few months working on a proper wrestling videogame and i wanted to show you all the results. It's gonna be called TRAUMA Pro Wrestling and it's gonna have a career mode, a booker mode and a character editor, among other of the usual wrestling game features.
I've made a little video detailing everything that's finished and everything that's still to come, i appreciate any feedback!
Alright, this might be the last update i ever make for this game, this time for good. It's not a huge one so i will describe all changes in more granular details, but as you can see there's still a lot to uncover so let's get down to business.
-Made AI behaviour a bit less predictable and aggressive.
-Removed collisions between players.
-Added an extra mini-game, for a total of six.
-Added medals for each mini-game, unlockable by following specific requirements.
-Added the option to decide the maximum amount of objects in a custom match.
-Added different maximum amounts of objects for all mini-games and story mode challenges.
-Added a new hand template for some of the characters.
-Added extra durability to all characters.
-Made various balancing changes to story mode and mini-games.
-Increased the size of the respawn trigger.
-Increased damage from contact with electric ring ropes.
-Increased rotation speed on all characters.
-Increased FOV for the first person camera.
-Fixed a bug that would make the mouse cursor disappear under certain circumstances.
-Fixed a bug that would create the wrong stipulations for a custom match under certain circumstances.
-Fixed a few more visual and gameplay bugs.
-Did some slight edits to the Ancestral Crib arena.
-Did some slight edits to Mahkklen's model.
-Added an outline to the character's names during a match.
-Revamped the third person camera angle.
BUY SKULLFRACTURE: store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture
SKULLFracture is getting another HUGE update, in addition of a 2 weeks 50% discount!
-Substantial aesthetic improvements.
-Improved AI behavior.
-Improved physics.
-Some more bug fixing, nothing major this time.
-Added one extra arena and made the post-game arena selectable for custom games.
-Added 3 extra mini-games and converted one of the story challenges into a minigame, for a total of 5.
-Added the possibility to change of ring size and the frequency of coin drops for custom games.
-Added different coin drops and ring sizes for story mode challenges.
-Made new durability stats (durability max and durability recovery) unique to each character.
-Minor technical changes.
BUY SKULLFRACTURE: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture/
SKULLFracture's latest update is a chunky one, so let's run this down quick.
-Added versions for Linux and MacOS (experimental and only available on Itch and Jolt)
-Various aesthetic improvements
-Fixed a few (many) bugs
-Rebalanced stats and challenges
-One new challenge
-Malus and Bonus coins for Stamina are selectable in custom matchups and Story mode challenges
-Introduced a physics system for the ropes
-Introduced a Spectator mode
-Added music tracks for each arena
-Other small modifications
BUY IT! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture/
SKULLFracture 1.1 is now online! Mostly taking care of a few bug fixes and balancement issues here and there. Doubt there'll be anything else i need to work on for this one.
BUY SKULLFRACTURE ON STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture/
LINK: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture/
Humans have lived for thousands of years in relative peace, having to fear only their own cruelty, but this was never meant to last.
The Blue Men, an ancient race of warriors thought to have been exhiled forever, have made their return, and they want to reclaim their spot at the top of the food chain.
Will humans put aside their differences for the greater good? Or will they die by the hands of the Blue Men? This is the story of SKULLFracture!
SKULLFracture is the latest creation of Nuskadamo, notorious to few, irrelevant to most, and it's a 3D fighting game that promises to leave a lasting impression on the player!
-21 Characters -11 Arenas -A single player campaign with multiple challenges and bosses! -6 different endings -A highly customizable exhibition mode -A local Multiplayer -And MORE!
And if enough of you buy this game i MIGHT consider working on an online multiplayer feature. But you'll have to ask nicely.
SKULLFracture is now available! BUY IT ON STEAM
LINK: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2577150/SKULLFracture/
https://nuskadamo.itch.io/skullfractureCOMING TO STEAM OCTOBER 13TH
Humans have lived for thousands of years in relative peace, having to fear only their own cruelty, but this was never meant to last.
The Blue Men, an ancient race of warriors thought to have been exhiled forever, have made their return, and they want to reclaim their spot at the top of the food chain.
Will humans put aside their differences for the greater good? Or will they die to the hands of the Blue Men? This is the story of SKULLFracture!
SKULLFracture is the latest creation of Nuskadamo, notorious to few, irrelevant to most, and it's a 3D fighting game that promises to leave a lasting impression on the player!
-21 Characters
-11 Arenas
-A single player campaign with multiple challenges and bosses!
-6 different endings
-A highly customizable exhibition mode
-A local Multiplayer
-And MORE!
And if enough of you buy this game i MIGHT consider working on an online multiplayer feature. But you'll have to ask nicely.
SKULLFracture World Tour is an isometric 3D fighting game where the goal is to kick your opponent our of the ring! Select among the many characters, customize your experience and have fun with friends!
I have decided to make the early access of this game available to the public as i continue its development to gather feedback. GAME COMING SOON.
Features present in the current playable build (VERY OUTDATED):
-21 selectable characters
-28 stats for each character (as opposed to 30 Days' 11!!)
-10 selectable arenas
-4 ring rope styles
-6 upgrades/downgrades
-Customizable single player exhibition
-Local multiplayer exhibition
-Controller support
Features that will be present in the complete version:
-A full story mode
-Much better graphics and performance
-A more fluid and varied gameplay
-A bunch of other minor details, too many to list and too irrelevant to be worth being listed anyway
SKULLFracture is back, bigger and better than ever!
With new features, more characters and several gameplay improvements, this is gonna be the definitive way to play the game!
SKULLFracture World Tour is an isometric 3D fighting game where the goal is to kick your opponent our of the ring! Select among the many characters, customize your experience and have fun with friends!
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://nuskadamo.itch.io/skullfracture-worldtour
I have decided to make the early access of this game available to the public as i continue its development to gather feedback... and hopefully make me less lazy. God, i've been so lazy lately, please be very rude if you have to.
Features present in the current build:
-21 selectable characters
-28 stats for each character (as opposed to 30 Days' 11)
-10 selectable arenas
-Various customization options
-6 upgrades/downgrades
-Local multiplayer exhibition (select online mode)
-Controller support
-Single player exhibition
Features to implement in the next build:
-Proper icons for each character
-Stats displaying for each character
-Better character balancing
-A campaign mode
-An online mode
See you soon hopefully.
SKULLFracture is back, bigger and better than ever!
With new features, more characters and several gameplay improvements, this is gonna be the definitive way to play the game!
SKULLFracture World Tour is an isometric 3D fighting game where the goal is to kick your opponent our of the ring! Select among the many characters, customize your experience and have fun with friends!
DOWNLOAD LINK: https://nuskadamo.itch.io/skullfracture-worldtour
I have decided to make the early access of this game available to the public as i continue its development to gather feedback... and hopefully make me less lazy. God, i've been so lazy lately, please be very rude if you have to.
Features present in the current build:
-21 selectable characters
-28 stats for each character (as opposed to 30 Days' 11)
-10 selectable arenas
-Various customization options
-6 upgrades/downgrades
-Local multiplayer exhibition (select online mode)
-Controller support
-Single player exhibition
Features to implement in the next build:
-Proper icons for each character
-Stats displaying for each character
-Better character balancing
-A campaign mode
-An online mode
See you soon hopefully.

Your dream was always to become the greatest fighter of all time, right? Since you were a little child! You've been training, you've been studying, you've been doing everything you need to do to become the best. You're still young, in the prime of your life, the world is yours, nothing can stop you.
Except for cancer.
You have brain cancer now, and the doctor said you have 30 days left before your dream goes down the drain! And your life too.
Think you can become the One in barely a month? 30 Days to be the Best is a 3D fighting game where you fight your way to the top in Fighting Spirit, the toughest fighting promotion on the planet. You will have to take care of your health, manage your time and improve the right skills if you hope to defeat every obstacle in your way.
Things changed in the Ultimate Edition:
-The game now has post processing effects and a new lighting system.
-A new arena for Secret Battles has been added.
-Two playlist buttons have been added in the main menu.
-AI has been reworked to be more aggressive.
-Other minor bug fixes, UI changes and gameplay improvements.
Your dream was always to become the greatest fighter of all time, right? Since you were a little child! You've been training, you've been studying, you've been doing everything you need to do to become the best. You're still young, in the prime of your life, the world is yours, nothing can stop you.
Except for cancer.
You have brain cancer now, and the doctor said you have 30 days left before your dream goes down the drain! And your life too.
Think you can become the One in barely a month? 30 Days to be the Best is a 3D fighting game where you fight your way to the top in Fighting Spirit, the toughest fighting promotion on the planet. You will have to take care of your health, manage your time and improve the right skills if you hope to defeat every obstacle in your way.
Things changed in the Ultimate Edition:
-The game now has post processing effects and a new lighting system.
-A new arena for Secret Battles has been added.
-Two playlist buttons have been added in the main menu.
-AI has been reworked to be more aggressive.
-Other minor bug fixes, UI changes and gameplay improvements.
Hey there, even this month i can finally bring to you my monthly devlog update! This time with a twist!
Other than with my videos, from now on i decided to document my updates even in a forum of my creation, which you can find here https://skullfracture.forumfree.it
With each video i'll publish there'll also be a forum thread for those who don't wanna bother watching those 10 minutes of content, or those who simply prefer reading. In this case, here's the thread https://skullfracture.forumfree.it/?t=79416792
Good day everyone! I've updated 30 Days to be the Best, making it hopefully more accessible to new players, and fixing a couple of things here and there! So why don't you give it a shot? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1908490/30_Days_to_be_the_Best/
I've also made a third devlog dedicated to the Wrestling is Real remaster that i've been working on! Finishing the development of 30 Days to be the Best made me realize many things, which will all be shown in this video, hope you like it!