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A member registered Apr 09, 2023

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DEEP VAULT 69 community · Created a new topic Exit Buttn

Where is the Exit Button?

Hi, why is there no Auto Play in the game? There is only passing button, which only works with “All Text” and skips everything way too fast with CTRL. Too bad. I don't want to miss half of the game, but I don't want to click 1000 times either. 

Hi. How do I get a code for Steam? Unfortunately, in Germany you cannot buy it directly on Steam. Could you do what others on do and include a Steamkey when purchasing on

He meant downloading via there is a daily download limit. After that it's really slow unless you pay

Hi, will this game be available on Steam?

Why cant write my Char Name in the Browser Version? And Enter click is impossible

don't understand the game. There are no quests, right? I came to this cave and got the amulet and now I can't do anything?

why is there no paid version on I don't want to get a Patreon just to have the full game.

i am on Windows PC

Why Auto Forward Option, but no Button Ingame for this? Only Skip not Autoplay :( 

There are providers at who will send you a Steam key when you purchase it. I think that would be an option. I recently bought a game here and it worked great with the key

Hello, I would have the same problem. Unfortunately, in Germany you can no longer buy games like this directly on Steam, but only redeem them using a gift key. Would I get one if I bought the game here?

Yes that is correct. But only purchasing them in Germany is prohibited. But if you have a key to redeem, you can also play games that are blocked in Germany. I have some that I can play, but the shop page and purchase option is not available in Germany.

Where is the Automatik Button? I can use online skip. 

Can I purchase a Steam key via Unfortunately in Germany I cannot buy the game directly on Steam.

OK. The Helicopter kill me haha OMG Very nice Game and Humor

Ok after pressing "Start" there is an options menu. Why not already on the main screen?

Why no Options for Sounds and others?

What does the stealth ability do? It just says that you can secretly use the computer in the morning without mom noticing. But I have no idea what that means, because I can use the computer in my room at any time.

What's the point of buying books? I can only look at them in my room, but not read them. Are there any advantages to them?

Is it possible to replay scenes if the stats are not sufficient at the current time? You have a lot of scenes at the beginning that you can't play due to a lack of corruption. 

Hi. Warum gibt es "Auto-Weiterzeit" in den Optionen, aber man kann es Ingame nicht nutzen? Ich möchte nicht jedes Textfenster manuell weiter klicken. Aber es geht nicht anders oder?

I played the game in April and then deleted it. Today I loaded the new version and the saves from back then were all still there.

Is the second season only available through Patreon? I could only buy the first season on Itch.

Is there a way to get the game in Germany, because unfortunately such games are blocked on Steam here? 

0.2.0 on or only on Patreon?

Also VPN geht nicht. Habe sogar mal einen Account neu erstellt mit eingeschaltetem VPN. Aber trotzdem ging es nicht. Keine Ahnung warum er ihn trotzdem als Deutschen Account angemeldet hat, obwohl VPN woanders war. Die Spiele welche ich schon habe und nachträgloch verboten wurden, kann ich in der Bibliothek sehen, aber neu kaufen bzw Shopseite ist nicht mehr möglich. Deswegen war meine Frage, ob ich den Code irgendwo anderst herbekommen könnte, um ihn bei Steam einzulösen. Geht ja bei manchen FSK18 Games über diesen Weg. 


ist es möglich dieses Spiel auch in Deutschland für Steam zu bekommen? Leider ist es in Deutschland für Steam gesperrt. 

Aber normal funktioniert es, wenn man einen Code zum aktivieren hätte, aber keine Ahnung woher :( 

It's amazing how all comments about the game are simply deleted here. 

The game currently doesn't contain 70+ hours of gameplay, but only around 10 minutes. 

No idea why this is not mentioned in the game description. 

But apparently the developer doesn't like you to know before you buy, otherwise he wouldn't have all the comments deleted. 

Is the gameplay really only a few minutes long at the moment? Where are the 3,500,000 character dialogs and the rest? 

Somehow the game contains almost nothing of what is advertised on the article page. 

And why is there not even an exit button in the game? 

For what is the "Fast" Button in this Game? this button only opens the next text, just like a mouse click, right? Is there autoplay? I don't really like having to click all the time. I'd rather have autoplay and set it to slow. Would be nice if something like that could be built in. Thank you 

Quite a nice game, but it would be nice if you could somehow collect lives in the levels. 

Why can't you see the price directly on the page? Why do I have to log in first to see it? Is it a secret, or why is the price not visible anywhere beforehand?

Hi. Where is the Skip Option? With STRG is in the left Corner a Skipping Text, but not works. Or pls an Auto Text Mode. Thx

In the beginning the auto-play still worked, but after a while it didn't, for whatever reason. Other buttons work normally.  And sometimes the menu disappears completely by itself and has to be reactivated in the menu. it is not hidden with "H", but completely deactivated. 

why goes "auto read" not? its a bug or is this not activated? And was makes the "SoD" button? i can click this Button, but nothing change it. 

I'm currently stuck. does anyone have a tip? The instructions on the internet are probably for other game versions. I've tried everything now and I just can't get any further. I'm still at the beginning and I'm supposed to do Morgana's quest, but I can't do anything with her and I can't find Emma anymore either. and I can't talk to Jessica, only undercover. what do i have to do?


will the game only be available on Steam as a full version?

Unfortunately, the game is not allowed in Germany. 

Can I get the full version somewhere else if I buy it from currently?