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A member registered Mar 21, 2024 · View creator page →

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September 30th

Please join the Discord server for technical help.

Thank you Wario! The money you have left appears in the kitchen buy menu.

Go to the white door in the gym

For my other game, yes:


The game will have an Android release, don't worry <3 Glad you liked the game!

Check the white door in the gym.

Ty <3

Which one?

The full game launches on October 25th, though its subject to change!


Yes, the full game will be on and Steam on launch

German players can purchase the game on once it releases!

A sequel game is planned!

Purchase gifts for the girls at the Arcade and give it to them.

<3 Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game!

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the game!

Thank you for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the game!

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game! The best way to support the development is to wishlist the game on Steam, it helps me a ton!

The full-game is going to be around 2 hours long, the demo is roughly 20 minutes if you view every scene.

(1 edit)

Complete your tasks :)

It will be released on as well.

You can't (for now.)

It'll be released on and Steam at the same time :)

It'll be released on and Steam at the same time, don't worry!

It'll be released on and Steam for the same price. I'm still considering the price, so I can't give you a definite answer, but around $5-$7. This will be adjusted with regional prices as well.

It'll be released on and Steam for the same price. I'm still considering the price, so I can't give you a definite answer, but around $5-$7. This will be adjusted with regional prices as well.

No, the full-version will release on and Steam in October (most likely)

Thank you!

I'll look into it, thank you for playing the game <3

The full-version will be paid! If you want to make suggestions, join the Discord server <3

He's not a grower...

Thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you liked the game! The voices will have better clarity on release, the demo release is just meant to build interest for the game, so the voices were rushed.

This looks awesome



Femboys are always the solution, I'm glad you liked the game <3

Yes, it will launch on Android at the same time as Steam and PC

Check the glowing white door in the gym, you may find what you're looking for there. Glad you're enjoying the game!