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A member registered Jun 22, 2023

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you will keep playing it because of the story, belive me ;)

That shit is so good 

I just finished the game ... again. as the comment below me mentioned, i think a version of the game without the porn stuff would be great, so i have something to reccomend to my friends without them thinkim im wierd asf. because telling someone "hey, there is that super cool porngame i discovered, but it focuses on the story not the porn" is not really very convincing ;P 

this story literaly consumes you within the first 30 minutes! if someone has the habbit of easiely getting chaught up with a good story: this game is perfect for you. 


~40 hours of absolutely great dialogue, and ON TOP of that such crazy animation- just wow. 

And the end of 0.7... damn. reading it the first time was kinda depressing. "I" seemed to be relatively nice to everyone, and this sudden "outburst of arrogance" sure made me feel kinda... down. Wich is awsome- dont get me wrong.if a story doesent make you feel like your within the story, its likely not a good story. this is easier for games where you play the mc ofc, but you get what i mean. 

What i am honestly wishing for- there are a few quotes that are a bit arrogant, and this matches up pretty much perfectly with the ending of 0.7. so what i would love is that there is no big sign of arrogance in his future actions (wanne be a god boy yk yk xD)

though- what i think proves, that this game is amazing- i understand where this arrogance comes from. :D

AND NOW here comes the simping part (who would want to miss that xD)

its hard to settle on 1 girl, so im gonna go with appearences first:

1. Alex

2. Nova

3. Penny

but when it comes to personalitys:

1. Alex

2. Nancy

3. Nova

Whats your opinion on this?

agreed xD

As IzayoiSakuya0 said- but its optional if you dont like it. 

i think the easiest way is always to reinstall it, it could fix problems like that. so just install it again, if you dont uninstall the version of the game you currently have it should even make you not loose your ingame progress.
Let me know if it helped and good luck! :D

Nothing weird about it, the game really rips you out of reality. 

yeah i guess it looks hotter or something...

learning by doing ;D

i think its probaplay for the best if it stays in english. If you are old enough to play the game, you have already learned english in school, and i think by playing a lot of englsih games, you learn a lot of english while having fun with this incredible game. That is good training!


To everyone who is just looking through the comments to find out if that game is good or not: It is. I can assure you that, and i wish you good luck finding someone in that comment section here, who says something else! (you wont) :)

should be in march as far as i know.  Can´t wait to get to see it either!

Do you menan Eternum or is there another game i should try?

The game is absolutely awsome, the best story based game, story and game i have ever played :D

But what is your favourite Caracter? And why? 

PS: is the release date for 0.7 known aready?

This is the most amazing game and story at the same time i have ever played or read. It´s amost magical how easily you get soaked into this game! And i do think that this is also easily to explain. I mean you get a much deeper connection to the caracters if there are some sexual activitys. That in combination with the fact that this could be a real live story (you dont just fuck all the time) and also the animation of the caracters is so extremely well done is really ending up in you developing a litte bit of a deeper understanding in the cracters. 

I also wnated to tell you guys that you can atualy play it with a controller too :D

If you want you can just lay down on your bed because you odnt have to use your mouse (if its wired) 

i even would donate some money, if.... (wont tell resons, i am definately 18!)

And PS: The game is so much sooo well done details that it is an amazing experience every time you play it. I mean i have played through it at least 10 times and it keeps being just fascinating. And I am definatley not just talking about the sex scenes! 

Caribdis, You are truely amazing, keep doing what youre doing! 

Love u :P

as he said, then go with her and you´ll get your money back too :)

Yeah i played throug the game 7 or 8 times and it got me laughing each time xD

Yeah this piece of art is almost magical. The sex scenes just give you a way bigger understanding for all the caracters, you dont find such games often! 

I cried a little too btw :)

You could callit a porn game but its just so much more. After a few minutes playing it you will see, you will stay in that game for the story. The sex scenes also give you a way deeper understanding for the game, wich is really not common, its really great. And the grapics are just.... wow. expecially for a free to play game :)

If you like good, and i mean really good stories, i can  recomment you this game more than any other. 

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I personally would recomment to play it through without a guide at first,  exept if you lost a path, but then i would still just search after the moment you lost it and continiue by your own. You should use the guide the second or third time, it just lets you get soaked into the game a little more if you play without a guide;)

couldnt agree more:)

Okay so if you download a new version you are able to load your progress, but im not sure if you can deinstall the old version after that.

But if you do i gues you should play the new one at least one time. I am pretty sure about that, but not entirely.

Hope i could help somehow :)

I mean i played through this game 3 times in one week, i think that say all.

You can clearely see how much effort you put in this game and i love it!

Keep doing so well!

i first came just for the porn but after around 15 minutes op lpaying u´ll be like hypnotised :D

I started in version 0.5 and ran through this game like 6 times now xD

Incredrible work, thats what a real "porn game" needs

thats not the point, i think you know that. 

it is more than a porn game, it is like a book, in fact. like harry potter with spicy scenes. Dont see it as a porn game with good story, see it as a good story with some porn! And btw ur everything else than useless, im sure of it!

Nothing wrong with that! its interresting ;)

i needed around 3 nights. no skipping, no sleep: id say i needed around 24 hours.  And this few hours were the best of my life! :)

Try once in a lifetime- its also an incredible story!

But ur right this game is the absolute king. Havent played any other game wich was even close! Eternum for live! :)

when is the next update coming out?

you´ll love it!

Bro, so much updates? I take back, what i sayed.

It doesent only seem to be endes, it is ednless! xD

Its just amazing. 

I mean all the caracters are damn hot, the story is amazing! 

You can spent so fcking much time in this game, it seems to be endless! Really recmment this to everyone!+

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i mean idk if it is healty to be honst, but i´ve played through this game the 4rth time now, and the last round in 2 nights and one morning :D

cant wait for 0.7!

wich one do you think is better?

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This game is way better than any Porn-video i have ever seen, or every book i have ever read. It is the story, what makes this game so irresistable, i just cant wait to  play 0.7(17.august.2023, if i am right) 

The Story: its like i just said irresitable. i even skipped faster throu the sex scenes, then i do in other games, just get further in the storyIve had a lot of sleepless nights because of this game! And when i read the other comments here, i think im not the only one ;) I love how such a story, with so much kreativity  is put together with porn :) 

The sex- scenes: The scenes are better than in every game i have played bevore, i also love how they are intigraded in the story! They all need the perfect amount of time, to not cum and play to the next scene, wich i like a lot, because if youre horny, the game is more interresting, then it is if you just came. Its just some kind of other athmosphere, somehow :D

The Caracteres: 

My favourite is  Nova, idk exactly why, but i think its because she is pretty cool, but also cute, in a specific way, i dont see often in games- love it :P

But i also love, how all caracters have a perfectly divided screen time, you clearly can see that the producers made all caracters nearly equally relevant.

I do know that there are audios in the game, but i can only play this game at night, so i nearly cant use it. But the bit i heard was very good, i´d say the audios are nice too.

This game is an easy 10/10, no question. It would deserve to be available on more known platforms like steam or epic, really unfortunate that its a porn game ;P 

I can really, really reccoment this game to everyone, i hope that i can pay you some money for it one day, when i have a credit card :D

Btw, whats your favourite Caracter? 

Cant wait to get to see 0.7- do your best, i know it can only be good!

There really is a reason i cant find any bad comment here!

amazing game. 

any updates in the near future?

nope- ur safe :)

I can only reommend this game to everyone. The new update just came out and i already finished again! I just have to know the release-date of 0.7! I hope it will be no more than 4 month...