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A member registered Apr 26, 2022

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At first, i thought this might be the backstory hinted at in the date with Felicity and Citrine.
Once, I actually get within 2 seconds of the game and realize this is how people end up as new slaves.

The gender change potion seems to fix it if you want them as a he just use the potion twice other wise just once should just have them referred to as her.

Hm weird thing is I have been having the same problem. Still runs the previous versions of the game. I have tried both on Mac using wine and on an actual Windows PC but all I get is a black screen. once starting a new game besides dialogue options.

I finally got through it the first time for all routes I am still trying to wrap my head around how I avoided not getting the best ending... Then again, I turned down all the attempts to do something lewd, so maybe that would be it.

Anyway, that is beside the point I came to give my opinion albeit If I have been reading these comments correctly it appears one of the routes will be getting a remake so it will not matter in the long run. but I figure giving a current opinion would be interesting since I am just coming off my first playthrough of all the routes. (Albeit I still need to go through the entire game again trying to hunt the other endings.)

Spoilers Ahead:(You have been warned.)

Tate's Route: The most recent one and the one with the most action and world-building in it. I have to say I feel like I should have gone through these in the order of the update to make this hit harder. But seeing someone cheerful actually has a lot of pent feelings well that's not something you read about every day or at least not that I have seen. I also enjoy the fact that it went more into his backstory and the Wyvern was a nice touch of him trying to show care for something as a substitute for how he wants to feel. (Or that's just how I read it I could be wrong.) And I'm glad he figured out who was his actual family and not those who were just using him. 
I did enjoy the fact he actually got so jealous he did not even question the fact that we would try and go behind his back. (albeit I literally followed him for the entire route.) Blinded by it only to find out because of his arrogance one of the people he cares about most will be killed. I am also glad he came to terms with his own name and was able to see it differently. I can't wait to see how they get into even more trouble as this appears to be the route with most action. 

Dallan's Route: An overworking good boy... I will not lie I see this commonly in a lot of works. (Though he also gives off the vibes of a leader who just doesn't know how to lead yet.) It's not like I dislike the character but to say he was my favorite would be a lie. I enjoy the character arc he goes through where he learns to relax and live a little. Albeit in the future, I hope he learns some better time management skills and how to delegate. (Albeit I understand the feeling of wanting to put all the burden on yourself and hope he also learns to overcome that.)  At the same time,  I can see this going in the direction where he does not feel like he needs to be in charge anymore and might give it up not caring for what people besides the ones closest to him think. (I was torn a bit on which felt more fitting but guess I will have to wait and see.) 
I did enjoy the fact he was blind it was a nice twist with many hints throughout the story I hope this does get touched more and not just thrown to the wayside.
Another thing I liked was that we got to interact and spend time with Chelsei just about every day. Seeing their antics and helping out with their gadgets was fun I am looking forward to seeing more of their inventions and how they ever A: cause problems or B: help out in the future.

Aiden's route:
I went into this expecting hell to break loose Especially after Tate's route which brought up a witch hunt (Which I also kinda expected to happen in Dallan's route when it didn't.) and that apparently he has a lot of exes... None of this was touched. I say out of all the routes this one seemed the most casual. Not to say that it was a bad thing I think having one that was a bit calmer might have been nice. However, it seemed to be the one with the least amount of world-building and character progression. I was surprised to find out the new headmaster was his father and I really want to send that fucker to the moon. but I did not see a lot of the stuff that was brought up in other routes overwise. I did enjoy the literal Doupleganger thing thought it was cool but it seemed like not much was actually done with it besides answering a few small contrivances definitely more could be done with that. ((Then again this is the one I saw in the comments that this one was apparently getting a remake so it might just be this is the first one.)) But ya out of all of them, this feels the most lackluster and least deserved of the routes. 

(Don't take these to heart they are primarily just gripes and can be ignored if desired)
So many characters were introduced and albeit some of them were touched more than others. I still feel like there was a bit of tunnel vision on the Romancable characters. (Albeit this is common in most VN's like this so I don't honestly have room to gripe.)
I am hoping in future chapters we get to learn more about the other characters, especially after so many were introduced but barely touched.
Another thing seems to be continuity between timelines Some things seem to show and other things just don't.  first off in Tate's route the headmaster basically tells Tate that he would be in charge of detention. This never happens in any of the other timelines as in one you end up going to detention and in the other, you see how horrible Tate is to Dallan.  now this could be Mr rape creep just trying to be intimidating a bluff. But then there is the entire witch hunt that doesn't happen in any of the other routes... Ok, maybe it was just there as a throwaway plot point and world-building... So does Tate just end up giving up on the egg or miss it hatching in the other routes and like Wyvern leaves? (Also how is it I literally could only pull these things from the latest chapter.)

Predictions:(Just some ideas on what's to come could be completely wrong.)
4th route looks like it will be revolving around summoner.
Mr Lust mysterious Therium seems to be the one for that...
Albeit It could also be a character we have not met yet
Perhaps it's the mysterious shard leader of the summoner who might be the real master of Jerry/Unkown and they know about Scribbles...
I mean seeing as so far it seems like summoners can call upon Nightfallen but not being real how far would it be to assume one has the power to make an actual nightfallen revived from a crystal. (I will prob figure out who the master is in the bad route if I accept the damned invite but one can guess and hey it's always good to put thoughts down before experiencing something.)

2nd Chapter:

Well, It will be revolved around the test...
I get the feeling we will be paired up with whoever we romance in chapter 1.
If not then all for the better Like I put in my Gripes seeing other characters and learning more about what makes them tick would be nice.
Plus a bit of a workaround I mean you spent all that time trying to get close to someone only for you to get teamed with someone else that you barely know or at least barely know in that route. Albeit are character so far seems uh a bit wishy-washy I guess he could be somewhat displeased about getting teamed up with someone he did not desire. (Ya this idea just breaks apart the more I think about it.)

I Look forward to looking for the bad endings and seeing if they add anything to the story.
Albeit get the feeling it just makes all the obvious bad choices/Sex Options. Albeit I don't feel as if they will add anything to the plot besides oh you just didn't try hard enough or outright the person rejects you for being a horn dog who can't decide.
Otherwise, I look forward to more in the future the world you have built is interesting with some interesting gimmicks and characters though a bit more of an in-place magic system would be cool.

Spoiler Warning. Do not read if you have not played through the VN Already I am talking about my thoughts on this game.

I enjoyed the realism in this story or about as real as a love story between two lovers with one trying to solve a mystery could get.
I am so glad that it did not go down the I found this guy and it will all be fine but rather a more real world approach... Albeit a bit scuffed with some of the story points through it.
I did enjoy the going and finding david though I feel the entire interaction with him was a bit scuffed including the part where they arived at Marcuses house... Kinda felt like a Yandere thing and it just didn't feel resolved. Though if that was plan then good job and I can totally see that being the plan like not ever story has to be resolved or come to a wonderful outcome.
Sometimes life is about taking what you can get and focusing on those who actually care or you and are willing to accept you and those who you love instead of the abusive friendship that won't end well.
Another thing I enjoyed was how the drama with the mother was short and sweet not over staying its welcome.
Albeit the thing with it getting aster on our side was a bit scuff but I understand needing a way that is some what believable that would make the characters might want to interact.
Speaking of one parent to the next same thing with dad why he was there he was not a major role that was constantly on screen rather taking the supporting back role there to cheer the main character up. It goes to show how parents have so little actually in our lives later on but also want to still be there even if thier not sure how.
And it goes to show the contrast between a good parent and a bad one.
The ending was sweet but about what about what i expected out of this well one of the two options I assumed when they talked about last year. (The other was they ended up going to the same college BS) But I am glad it went this path and it was sweet.
I downloaded it for the love story got more interested in and stayed interested for the mystery and left with both a mystery and a somewhat sweet love story.