Ah either might work ..though Idk what itch's upload requirements might be for the comment but I can also just make a page as well :3 I'll try that, thanks o/
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Hello! Thanks for checking my game out ^^;
Did you reach the bedroom/cell? Once you've found the three keycards and leave the large second level then you should find yourself on the third map which leads to a rather abrupt ending....I am thinking of releasing an expansion possibly.. We'll see!
Thankyou so much for the feedback as well
The ammo comment is helpful, yeah it's a bit confusing admittedly and I'm glad you pointed it out!....The smaller number is supposed to be what's in your current clip with the bigger number representing how many bullets you can carry total...maybe I should swap which one's bigger or possibly color-code them, I'll poke around and see if I can't make it a bit more clear if/when I update again, The textbox issue too is something I wasn't sure if would show up for most people or not so that's useful too, I think I might need to resize my text boxes or adjust how they display in the scripting, I'll see what I can do!
I'm really glad you enjoyed it and gave it your time! IRT the gunplay.,..I was playing a lot of CS2 and wanted that Deagle fire to feel ...satisfying and 'correct' so I'm glad that came through! Tysm Heather friend o/
Well to first answer your last paragraph, I am absolutely planning to finish this! Right now it isn't my immediate project (as I have something time-sensitive which I'm planning to release by the end of this month) but my hope is that I might be able to finish this before the year ends? I don't have a hard release date, and if I essentially finish it too late in the year, I would likely just then hold onto it for an early 2024 release and give it some polish, but honestly the game is not supposed to be a terribly lengthy experience, just something fun/exciting with an interesting narrative, so I'm hoping that it won't be too hard to create the handful of levels that I have planned and getting a game out before 24!
You really made me blush with your compliments, I mean all of these that I've been receiving have blown me away with kindness and the encouragement, especially irt music! I have a little bit of an art background but I only ever made gameboy chiptune with my recent TV-Chan's Great Escape game and I feel like I was able to outdo myself just a little with Elementaria, but I didn't think I'd be receiving as many compliments for it all the same o.o I am definitely encouraged to give the rest of the soundtrack it's due proper attention as I work on it.
Look forward to it for sure! And thanks again!
Thank you so much for your feedback and for trying it out!
It's good to know that the level was difficult, I wasn't sure since I've grown used to playing it from playtesting, I want to make it a bit easier when the game is done though. My hope is that you can take atleast one or two additional hits in the final version of the game, though for this version I didn't have time to really implement the health system so it's a one-hit deal ^^;
I may also make the character movement a tad faster, thank you for letting me know what you thought!
I haven't heard much feedback on the story so I really appreciate your takes on this. Some of the one dimentionality I think is a bit intentional for sure, but part of it is just that the story isn't complete and a few things in the beginning are intentionally left kind of vague? That said I do want to bring some depth to those characters and sort of explain their place in the story so you've given me some good stuff to think about. ^^;
lastly uh, I've actually contemplated potentially implementing lives or some sort of hurt state, maybe that would make sense for the later levels especially ?
Thankyou for playing it!
I've heard a few mentions of people liking the corrupt/glitchy style so thankyou! I think I'll likely try to only lean into it more then for this game.
As for the sound design I composed all of the music on my own in gbstudio3 and well a couple of the sounds in the intro are actually just sounds I ripped from a sound effects cd and tried compressing! I don't feel like they came out ideally , but passible if anything so I'm happy to hear someone enjoyed it anyway ^^; More sound effects are absolutely one of my priorities before I call this game finished.
Thanks for playing o/
aw thank you so much! I hope you enjoy part 2! https://nyktv.itch.io/you-did-a-bad-thing-nyk2-hellcity
..and also I am actually currently working on the part3/final part this month so look forward to that too :3
ah ya! I might be able to figure something out, though admittedly saving isn't a built in feature for the engine! Fwiw it is only 9 levels but I did try to make them extra hard to make up for the short length. The second game and the third game (which I'm working on now) are a bit more fairly balanced...maybe I could release an easy mode version for the first game too if that seems like something that people would be into?