That was interesting. Can't wait for the first chapter.
Recent community posts
This situation is so unbelievable. We have no details on the contract. Zander is just so stupid. More optimal solution would be to seek legal action and cover the story in media, or just purposefully lose those matches. And for weeks he just ignores Redline that clearly have problems. This is so surreal. But despite all that it's still enjoyable.
Игра неплохая, поиграть стоит, но блин, ГГ просто не перестает думать о всякой хуйне! Там сюжет занимает меньше чем его внутренний треп!
Персонажи интересные и приятные, но вместо того чтобы их лучше раскрыть мы опять же видим размышления ГГ вообще о какой то левой хуйне.
Идея сюжета интересная, но концовка резкая и ничего особо не обясняет.
I didn't say quantum mechanics is not a real scientific theory. I said "special" for a reason. And this reason is that quantum mechanics doesn't work how it's described in the story. That's pure fiction.
And no, we don't have to trust that anybody knows better then anyone else without evidence. And there is no timetravel in the story.
You missed my point by a lot. I never said that my problem was with quantum mechanics or timetravel or loops.
I do think we should be lenient, but not that lenient that our brains falls off, but thanks for your unsolicited input.
Nah, special quantum mechanics, morphic resonance and even apotheosis don't need explanation because they are fictional things defined in the story. I am just confused by some weird character decisions and unexpected consequences to those. But I understand what you mean, sometimes you need to... stretch your logic for the story to be interesting.
I understand what you mean. But that's not an answer to "how or why?". Why does fate wants them then and there? How the special someone came to the conclusion that killing some is beneficial? And why the fate is sated just by killing someone else? How can there be variance in timeline without the "butterfly effect"? Why doesn't "the vault" work earlier, before all that, to prepare? There are just many questions without conclusive answer.
Yes, the reader doesn't know, but it would be nice to explain it, otherwise it just creates a plot hole which you can fill with all kinds of farfetched speculations with lots of assumptions. But it's just not satisfying. A more radical example to make my point: Dave was teleported to London without explanation. You sure can speculate how that happened, but that wouldn't be good.
It is very much important how they're talking, what they're talking about and where does this lead. Sure, some slice of life/small talk dialogs are important for character and world building, but I tire of them fast if there's too much of it. Everybody has their own preferences. Also... why do you capitalize random starting letters?
The novel is... I still want to finish it, but to me it seems really boring. All they do is just talk and noting happens. Only interesting parts are the dreams. The 3 love interest characters are really specific. I wish Chris could be dateable, everybody else doesn't really seem interesting to me. But I don't think novel is the problem, It just focuses on things I don't find interesting.
1) I though about a horn ring, but actually it can be horn anything. Like some piece of jewelry for horns?
2)It doesn't really makes sense to me that he fears the valley so much. I mean, he suffered for so long, he doesn't care about pain anymore, what worse thing can there be that he fears it so much?!
3) Snuggles... But I would enjoy scaring him, then saying I was joking and reassuring that he doesn't have to fear his master.
as for ideas/feedback:
a) Again, it would be cool if we explored more possibilities of the hotel owner. What can he actually do. Why can't he just spawn or substitute artifacts? Why can't he force the hotel to work with new technology? Why he has to walk instead of just creating doors that lead wherever he wants?
b) Why does new owner has to obey old rules? Like, if you set up rules, why can't you change them? What if one of the owners sets a rule that nobody can set up rules? Or at least that you have to whip Asternion once a day, or send him to the valley? Maybe set up a set of ultimate rules, like constitution, and then other rules, that can be amended?