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A member registered May 14, 2021

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No, thank you for creating this beautiful gem of a game! You're gonna go far! 馃挋馃グ

I think Caribdis already mentioned ingame one of the points you were making now. 
About how Eternum is killing people and people play it anyways.
I'm a smoker. Smoking kills people. I know that it can cause cancer. I smoke anyway. Same with Alcohol. And Eternum as well.
It's sort of this habit, the addiction that keeps them hooked on Eternum in my opinion. That's my interpretation. 

Spoiler Alert btw for people who haven't played through it yet:

Caribdis also mentioned through Alex how Ulysses also covers up those deaths to not get bad publicity. They paid Benjamin's parents $150k as a NDA basically. So I doubt that people are informed about this. But as for people who do know about it for example the MC and the people he has told it to: They want to get to the bottom of it, is what I'm guessing. There's also the factor that (at least that's how I saw it) you only die in real life if you're "excommunicated" by the Praetorians. If you die normally like Jerry did for example to the ogre, you don't die in real life. So as long as you can avoid being excommunicated you're pretty much safe to play Eternum without risking death. Not being excommunicated also only amounts to not breaking the law and ethics code. 
You've also already said that Eternum may be the new "normal". I can see how Eternum becomes more of a desirable place to live in than the one people are currently living in. Hell, if there was a right server, I'd probably also prefer or want to swap to living that life instead of my normal ordinary one and spend too much time living in Eternum, more so than living in "real" life.
Overall I'm just really astonished by this writing and the way it can make me feel, I agree with you immensely on that. The little things that Caribdis adds make such huge differences and I don't understand how some of those aren't becoming the new norm in this industry.

I don't have much to say despite what I've already said, but it really was a great, thoughtful and extensive review in my opinion!

My man Caribdis, you've done it again, you crazy son of a beautiful mother!
I could not give you the right amount of praise and headpats that you deserve for what you've done here. I've played "Once In A Lifetime" a while back and I already thought it was like a strong 8 or 9 out of 10.
I don't know how but you managed to create something even better this time around, which I thought wasn't even really possible!

This game literally has it all. Comedy, nudity, transitions and camera panning, great sound effects, beautiful scenes, extremely well written dialogue and incredible writing to fully immerse you in this experience. I even enjoyed the small things that developers are usually to lazy to animate like Alex and Nova each nodding their head while one of them is telling the MC about his fight with Thanatos. It's such a simple, minute detail but it can add so much to the scene.

It's like a triple A title, but for free and with some spicyness to it.

Just the right amount of degeneracy for me.  AND THIS IS ONLY THE 0.3 UPDATE. There's so much more content. 

There were really only 1 or 2 minor plotholes that pulled me out of it for the briefest instance, but I didn't mind them and I can't even remember them now anymore. It would border on nitpicking to go back and tell you about them.

I've always cherished Sisterly Lust, because it was the first Adult Visual Novel that opened up this beautiful world to me and it was my favourite for years at this point, mainly because of nostalgia probably, but this one right here has now very quickly become my new ever favourite Visual Novel.

You have a brillant mind, man. I literally can't praise you enough. Kudos.

He sure did!
This game is a treat.

Seeing how you're so stuck on grammar, maybe you should look back on your own comment and see how it is interpreted from a 3rd perspective.
You're using a lot of unneccesary aggressive, demanding language like "You need to do this, THIS NEEDS FIXING"

You come across as if you're entitled to make the dev your monkey and have him write you a story exclusively for you.
That barely came of as constructive criticism and more like an insecure, entitled karen brat that demands to speak to the manager.

Let me quote the exact language if you don't understand what I mean:
"You need to go back to her being exclusive only, or otherwise, give us the choice to allow her to be a whore.."

"You need to stop writing Sandra like this, your ruining the story completely by doing it!  Feel free to keep turning alice into the cum dumpster whore she is.."

"He seriously needs a personality change urgently."

"Just get rid of the bullshit abuse and constantly swearting,, the utterly retarded things he says.  It completel ruins the story!"

"give us the choice so she is exclusive and if we choose that that, then make sure she is exclusive in everything to the MC not some plaything for other women or her doing it, that really made me quite mad as i was reading." (this one is quite special, there's actually a lot to unpack about your character here, Killer7 already mentioned it, but it seems really extremely insecure)

"you need to change it, because it is wrong."

See, there's quite a lot of DEMANDS and a lack of constructive criticism.
And I'm not even mentioning all the edgy remarks you make while using a slur that is used to describe disabled people.
To come to a conclusion, it seemed more like a rant, because your insecurity about Sandra not being entirely exclusive made you mad and you wanted to let your frustration out, but didn't expect an answer, seeing how you even backpedaled on the exclusivity of Sandra.
Example: " i mean its fine if she isnt going to fool around outside the family."

When it was: "It doesn't mean she will mess around with Alice or kiss other women, which seems to be alluded to as the story goes on during the first 9 chapters.  If she was exclusive, then she most certainly wouldn't allow other people to touch her let alone kiss her.  You need to go back to her being exclusive only, or otherwise, give us the choice to allow her to be a whore...which your basically starting to write her as a whore with her sisters and mother.  I mean seriously sucking on her mom's tit for fucks sake while her mom is asleep?  That is not the complete opposite from being exclusive and there really is zero reason why she is doing it in the first place, considering she told the mc she was EXCLUSIVELY his!  so why try to make her into some whore?  It doesn't fit with who she is, it doesn't fit with the way she acts or thinks and we know that from the first few chapters.  You need to stop writing Sandra like this, your ruining the story completely by doing it!" this before. 

That is quite a remarkably fast switch from claiming he's "completely ruining the story" to "well I guess it's okay if it stays in the family".

Yea I also agree with your ripples comment, I thought the exact same when it came to possibly even taking the adult content out and it still being the great game that it is now :) 

I've also had the same hypothesis when it came to your spoilers, thought the same, because we get told we look exactly like our father multiple times and other stuff that hints at the possibility of a paradox situation :'D

Hey, if that's what you think about it, that's totally valid. 

Never thought I'd get judged not for liking an incest game, but liking the wrong incest game in someone's opinion lol

For me, I interpreted the repetitive sections (if we're thinking about the same one's) as something that I really like, relate to personally and had a lack of during my life. 

Like waking up, having a cute, little chat with Sandra and then going into the living room to talk with Lucy always gave me a sense of security, consistency, permanence, familiarity and overall a sense of dependance. 

I can see how others think of this as repetitive and boring and I wouldn't force my pov on you for thinking so, so yea your point is totally valid, but not for everyone. 

Ripples is still gonna be one of my favs among all these other games. 

That's part of the charme of these games, everyone has their reasons for liking/disliking something :) 

If you're baiting/trolling though, like the other person suspected then I guess fuck me for falling for it :'D

I am incredibly invested in the story and the characters, this game is pure gold 馃槏
I think I've picked it up because I saw a reference to it in some other game and remembered that it was also recommended to me by "games that are like this game you just played" and I don't regret giving it a try, actually the opposite :)
I love being best friends with my buddy Tom as well xD
If you know, you know :3

Played to the current end of the game (episode 3 part 1) in one sitting, because once I started I was so invested in it, that I couldn't stop playing. 
Took me about somewhere from 6-8 hrs if I kept track of time correctly :'D
Soooo, so far this is on it's way to be one of my favourite Visual Novels, right up there with games like Sisterly Lust, Headmaster, My New Family.
The game does not just have great potential, it's filled to the brim with it and the developer actively uses this potential effectively and makes it a great game.
The character are all absolutely adorable and beautiful, the sceneries in which we find ourselves as players in are top notch and not just lazy background, the writing hits every spot it tries to hit, like when it comes to comedy it completely hits all of the comedic timings, the punchlines.
But when it's getting serious and mysterious it also gets me glued to the screen and invested in it.
The plot and overall concept are innovative and I, myself, haven't really found a comparable game to this one so far :)
The images are great and I haven't seen animations used in this game in any other game I've played so far on here. Dunno how to describe it other than like a b-roll kind of edit animation.
I just wish my computer wasn't such a piece of shit, so I could enjoy all the animations lag-free ( 汀掳 蜏蕱 汀掳)
Other than that, I really don't know if there's any negative thing I'd have to say or constructive criticism that I'd have for this.
Even if there's an unintentional, rare, mediocre, cringeworthy one-liner occassionaly (that isn't self-aware) it still adds to the charme of the game and doesn't at all diminish the immersion or quality.
I'd recommend everyone who's looking at the comments deciding if they should or shouldn't try this game, to actually try it out and see for yourself.
I really need to stop drooling over this game now, my comment is way too long :'D
A full on 5/5 for me and definitely a new favourite, can't wait for future updates <3

Hell yea, I can't wait, I already know it's going to be great <3

Played the 0.4 update and can't wait for new content to come out.
The renders are really extremely great, load times are incredibly fast.
I've spend some times exploring different routes to see different scenes exclusive to the path you choose so on top of being a great game there's also quite the replay value :)
Wondering how Kate is going to fit in but incredibly excited to see where it's going to go <3

Yes I know and your characters do look amazing, they're beautiful :) 

I just think you misunderstood him, because he was asking and not just saying that they're the same :) 

Keep up the good work, my dude! 

Yea, they look alike, that's true, don't feel bad about asking.
But also the sweater and some outfits are stock render model things, I've seen them not just in My New Family but in multiple other games as well, so I'd see why you'd make the connection from one redhead to the other :)