Ohh, I didn't know that! Thanks!
Recent community posts
I love this game! It's probably my favorite games, but I'm so upset. I've been playing the game for a few days now, and I was almost done with my island and I was actually kinda happy with it.
Then I clicked "Enter Buildings". My game froze, and all my progress was lost. I now have to start over, but i have very little to no motivation to since I dedicated like 6+ hours to it. I'm really upset, and I couldn't find the bug report form so I've just decided to leave my comment here...
I love this game, but i'm just so sad i've lost everything.
Thank you for your reply! I understand it's probably difficult, so no rush at all! Coding is hard, and so is drawing, writing, and every other form of art.
And I really do want to say again that this is by far my favorite game! I'm excited for a full version to come out, whenever that will be ❤
I look up to you a lot, so I also want to say that you've inspired me a lot lately.