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A member registered Feb 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Got inspired to make a simple frogger like game in 3D for fun.

Get as many Frogs you can Home!

A Free to play Game!

let me know if you like it if you try it please

do you guys think this game has good replay ability?

i really think so imo

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thanks! im honored by you making video of the game!

very nice video!

very glad you like the game!

now i know you are a guy by the voice .. i thought you where female first by the name :)

thanks yes i made sure it was easier then the orginal that was the only think i did not like about the game

im sure you will like this Diablo model i was making .. lowpoly!

I got inspired to make a flappy bird remake for fun

its called BirdieFlapp and i think its the best flappy bird version there is imo

the game has good replay ability

yes i saw that but it did not work on my linux distro called porteus

cool game! runs on my linux with Wine

the mouse movement is a little wonky though as pre mentioned

nice looking demo!

very cute pixelart cats!

im a big fan of FireBall spells in games!

anyone have a game that has that feature? i have made few

well im extra picky on games ..

so many un interested games are puplished here on itch its rare that i find a game that i like browsing recent games

there i said it!

would also like feedback on the fireball spell i added recently

like does it look ok?

thanks for the bug report it has been fixed now

now the relic is replaced when player hit start key.

very rare that i view the front page

Thanks for playing and give Feedback on the game!

Glad you like it!

yes the temple monsters move a bit faster then the player

Hi Xanda there is no new map planned for this game I will keep the one temple idea i guess .. do you think the game has good replay ability i really think so because the Temple Monsters move in random postion

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A game about raiding relics from a Temple under Stealth
Temple Members always replace the raided relic so you can get more!

looking for feedback on if you think the game has good replay ability.. i really think it has because Temple Monsters move in random position

Temple Raider my new Stealth Game!

thanks for the feedback Xanda!

i think this is pretty cool idea also .. raiding a temple if you feel the urge :)

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thanks! you just have to raid as many relics you can

Raid the Golden Relic by getting it stealthed and going back to the teleporter to teleport the relic to your home. Temple Members always replace the raided Relic

Feedback welcome on the game

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Thanks very much for the feedback!!

i had a icon for the game put the path was somehow wrong so i added it again.
Im on Linux/Wine so i can not see any exe icons images

i will take your notes into considerations

thanks also for checking out the game!

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please give feedback on this game i made for a hobby in short time some time ago

its a First Person Action RPG with endless Gameplay

the goal of the game is to score the best you can

i would like to know how you like the game overall and if you think it has good replay ability

if you have a game here on itch i will probably return the favor by giving feedback


just need to shoot quicker and increase the range!

i really think that would make the game too easy but thanks for the feedback

looks nice but does not work for me in firefox says "web content lost please reload the page"

maybe add a downloadable


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first i was .. what is this game..

then after playing.. just wow!

there are many good game makers using pico-8 and you are one of them imo

AI Shooter 2

nice game!

this is a good tag imo

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Was adding my game Boss Fight to a game i made some time ago

Just a simple cozy game

Defeat a Evil Boss that gets more powerful each level

Feedback Welcome!

Plays in browser at

lowpoly creature monster i was making

free to use with credits

one time one of my game got featured or something on a website and i got around 100 views on one day!

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ok i see yes its nice to dream but maybe some day

i wish any game of mine would go viral.. (dont we all)

has anyone had there game go viral?

made another gif for this creature

Added Hi-Score feature!