my discord :Gabriel#5619
Thanks tonioantz, didnt saw that
Did mark don't have a day 7 in the latest version? in the google docs there's options of day 7 of Mark Route.
and Echo, can't recommend Smoke Room without recommending Echo!
i was so engaged in the story that in the party, when there's a hit on the table i jumped twice, on the human hit and then on vul hit. lol
The ending where the human lives and return to Earth.
well.. they are uptading Khemia, maybe after they finish Khemia they bring more of the Human and Amicus, hopefully!!
actually i already finished, and it was really good for sure, do you know another good story by here? to fill the void haha
haha, i love echo, but its really sad, so i will read this one thanks Sadrang
So.. i not ready for a history again like echo, this one crush your mind? like, echo? or this one is more relaxed, even thought i read some people cried...
so, the flynn route may be the real one? like, thinking in history? that's a little sad
Hello, i didn't understood very well what happened in Flynn's route, there's is more endings? because there is a lot of options in this route, thanks