I was just at the loading screen and the art is already breathtaking, the first background and I am ascended holy this is amazing
A member registered Jun 12, 2019 · View creator page →
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I played this game! it was great at first since the graphics look fine af but there are a few things that was kind of weird for me, no manual saves made it somewhat a task to replay the game over and over since it has to go back to the beginning of the chapter, How Seiko is acting felt a bit weird, and how its a one shot kill in one of the game's parts is kinda difficult to get past to. Again the game and concept is preeeetty cool, I like how theres little dialogue on top of their heads, how the atmosphere is actually a little creepy, I just hope theres manual saves to be able to like replay where u did wrong instead of repeating the entire chapter. Thanks for the game dude, its a treat playing this :D