Hi. We’re students from the south of France reviewing games for a workshop in Game User Research with the help of a User Research Professional from Ubisoft. We found your request for feedback and got some of our classmates to play your game (some of them are veterans of the survivor Genre, others compleeetely new). Here’s our feedback we hope it is useful to you in any way ^^ :
- The game was really fun to play for everyone, even for those who had no previous experience with this kind of game.
- the overall experience is really satisfying, the game feel is great, the floaty jumps and the aerial control really felt like playing A doom like / ultrakill / RoR 2
- Every playtester tried multiple runs and wanted to play more of it, even if they died really early in the game. Some said it was “addictive”.
On the other hand, there are various things they didn’t understand or had a difficult time with :
Camera |
Visibility |
Balancing |
Rythm |
Understanding |
Feedback | Players complained about the lack of feedback when taking damage and when leveling up. Here are some recommendations if you are interested :
Objectives | It is hard to understand when the game ends and it can reduce the feeling of satisfaction as the player doesn't know what they’re evolving their character for. Maybe try defining clear objectives for the player to help motivate them and play more of your game. |
Level design | We’re not sure if you have other thing planned for the level design (like other levels or open maps), but a small issue with the current map is that it is waaaaay too small for the amount of enemies spawning (becomes impossible to navigate arround 14:00) |
In conclusion, your game was a great discovery. We had fun testing and playing it. One of our players managed to win the game in 27 minutes. The other ones played several runs and we mostly stopped because we were still in the workshop.
One of the main reasons people would stop playing is probably the optimisation/performance issues and the “readability” of the game
but we would still recommend the game because it IS FUN, and we all enjoyed playing it!
BONUS : Some games that are quite similar to yours, if you dont know them it may be interesting for you to check them out !
- Risk Of Rain 2
- 20 minutes till dawn
- Vampire survivors
- Deeprock galactic survivor