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A member registered Jul 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! 
It wasn't created in 2 days, it was created in 2 days with too much coffee and lack of sleep. Hahahah Thanks a lot! <3

We are very grateful for your feedback!
We will definitely work on the ideas you commented on, very good observation!

Thanks for saving the humanity! o>
Thanks for the feedback too!

I'd think your post is gonna win the Oscar of the Best Post of the Project. I'm so much grateful for your feedback! 

Thanks for the feed back <3

Love it! Who knows what wait for us in the future versions? 

I'm hHappy to know that! Thanks

Thanks for the feedback <3

Thanks buddy! <3 

Man!!!! Just stopped my heart! Why this jumnpscare from nothing!? D:

I'm addicted to seeing countless damages since Ragnarok Online!

You can try to CTRL+ MOUSE SCROLLING to take away the zoom, that work for me!

Thanks for the feedback <3

Of course!

Love that effect too! Thanks for the feedback! hehe

I can see the future with that Bomber Wizard, love the ideia!
If you make some sandbox system that game is gonna be a master pierce!

That effect surprised me as well! hehe thanks for your feedback!

Don't try cross the meteor with your Space Ship, please... O_O
Just kidding , thanks for the feedback! hahah

(1 edit)

Thanks Mr.!! 

Thats nice to hear(read)! Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the feedback, the dev surprised me with that ''tilts'' too!
Sound was a great challenger, I'd agree COMPLETELY with you!

Thanks for the feedback, I'm huge fan of your Corpse Collector! hehe

Thanks buddy! 

I get some anxious to not die without oxygen, hahahah thanks for the feedback

Hehehe so sorry for that, maybe we gonna make some noise and animation to show that better. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks a lot! 

Thanks for the feedback! We gonna work on that with no doubts! <3

Love the ideia! Really fun! Simple ideia and perfect presentation! Congratulations!

My anxiety is screaming! Gonna keep my eye on the project!

I love factory games, but i couldn't play :(

Hehe thankssssssss <3 

Hehehe that bouce give me some nervous attack

Thanks buddy! We gonna work on that in the future, sure!

Thanks buddy! We gonna work that ideias <3

Thanks a lot! 

Much obliged! <3

Valeu amigo! <3

NIceee, thanks for the compliments!

Oh yeah! <3 

Happy to read that! Thanks!

Great Leira! <3