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Ofelia Raylight

A member registered Jan 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Ohh thought it was the full game haha, I was wondering why the save station didnt have the warping pedestal

I played a little bit and noted how thw squids are a bit too aggressive and hard to fight

Maybe their attack speed and range should be a bit lowered, and the plants poision cloud has too much range!! It's impossible to avoid it in the rooms where you fight them

i found it super fun and I like the faster but faithful  combat with some shadown tower abyss sprinkled in.

Hopefully you'll add in game binding customization because I usually play with L2 acrivate/run, r2 attack, L1 magic and R1 menu!

I like how the game looks too, even if the old ps1 art clashes a bit with the modern effects like light refraction and shiny surfaces on the slimes

Otherwise it's an incredibile project i can't wait to see and play more!!!!

Omg this is amazing, i love Kf2 and this is a dream come true!!!

Great game! i really love the characters and art work!
The game has a cuple of bugs here in there but it's really well made and quite charming!

(1 edit)

This game it's really great, grhapics are charming, and the gameplay is difficult enough. feels like a fps version of metal gear, witch it's really great. the only problelm i have is that the run button can't be remapped, i use the arrows keys so i have some poblems. Another small detail that i tink shuld be changed it's the random item spawn, because it incentive restarting missions hoping to get the item you want from the random spawn, and making the spawn fixed, culd give the level new depth, making easier to plan a mission. The last problem i have is the wierd timing of disarming C4, because whit small cylces like 4 beps, it works, but the longer one (witch it's off beat) it takes too long to disarm, so in my opinion, standardize the C4 timing wuld help some missions a lot