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A member registered Jul 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Added a soundbyte that I'm going to be including in my heli game as well. Turned out pretty decent so figured I would share it to make this asset more appealing. Once I finish a door opening/closing sounds I will include those as well. Enjoy.

It's similar to JS which complex button handling. Basically the Esc key is being picked up by both the menu and the scene when the menu clears.. Hard to diagnose if you can't repeat it though.

What version are you using? I just migrated my game from 4.0.3 to 4.1.1 no problems, but definitely if you are using a 3.x version I would not recommend updating because a bunch of syntax things have changed and it may kill your existing code till you go through and fix all the little nuances.

I responded to one of your posts on reddit too, if you want to collab on this or need someone to test a solution for you I'd be happy to help out. my reddit account has the same name. I also post in r/binkgolf almost daily so you can find me there. I've briefly noticed a couple little glitches that I recognize because I've had them show up in my games too.

Same, I sent a message to a trailer thread on reddit to alert the dev about it and offer a possible fix. Watched some vids and they don't seem to have the issue, but I write games and run into it consistently with Godot unless I put in workaround code for it.

It might work for others, so that could be a bit rash. There are a lot of nix guys that know how to make stuff work. I just prefer something easy. Maybe leave it up and see if someone comes along later that can answer with a way to get it working? I might dive back into it later and take another look as well. Maybe it's something simple I missed.

Either way, seems like a neat concept, little different than a traditional 4x space setup so I was curious about how it played.

it's running now but having trouble pulling resources from img/pictures/ according to the little in-game errors

Update, just went back into the folder to check it out again. The shell script isn't set up properly.. If I open the folder in a terminal and then type ./nw then it starts right up... strange... I'll edit the script and see if maybe that works

I dunno. do I need RPGMaker to run it? Usually linux binaries have a .x86_64 file in there you click and it runs. Only issue is occassionally the file won't be set as executable by default. There's a shell file in there as well but doesn't seem to do anything, points to a file in the folder that my computer doesn't recognize and won't run. Is this maybe a 32bit application? that could be an issue.

I'm not sure. I clicked and it's not going

I market the "Game" file as executable but when I double click it nothing happens. Running on Linux Mint

Also noticed a lot of web code, is this meant to be run in a browser?

Do you have a link to installation instructions and I just missed it?

I dunno, the physics engine seems to work well enough, it made this manageable. Course I'm writing my own for the ball physics, just too many detail things for a stock engine but for regular stuff it seems to work fine. I really don't have a basis for comparison. Haven't used too many other engines, cept maybe a few 2d deals a long time ago.

There will be lots of time for that, trying to build out career mode. Once I'm out of alpha I'll start dressing everything up a little prettier.

Mostly at this point trying to hammer out all the mechanics. Building a custom physics engine today. Made a lot of progress but still need to factor in ball spin and wind, so far it's looking pretty dope though. Way better than the stock engine that's packaged with godot.

Thanks for dropping by Yoyo, hope everything is going well on your games.

Just a quick thank you to anyone taking a look. Much appreciated.

The controls are a little touchy. I was expecting a sort of rubberband pop but sometimes the mouse cooperates and sometimes not.

Also it feels odd using LMB to pan the camera. I wonder also if it could be pan/tilt instead of just pan as that would feel more intuitive.

Level progression is also a bit odd, but I think that's just the style that you're going for so it's probably a personal thing for me. I tend to like games where it isn't "do this over until you pass" but mini-golf is sort of a puzzle game most of the time so I get it.

It's a very nice game and seems to be quite polished other than the little control glitches. Well done. Will be following you.

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm Marty, aka offgridgecko or just offgrid. Working on a golf game. I have a page set up for it but waiting to get some more people from my social connections before I "launch" on itch to try and get it a warm welcome. Nice to meet you all though even though it seems this thread has gotten one response in 7 years.

EDIT, I see, nm, they all at the bottom, haha.