That's great to here!
Recent community posts
Hey! So I came to the conclusion that I much prefer freeform roleplaying games around the time you posted your guide on Reddit and Discord.
We pretty much came to the same conclusions so I'm glad you wrote that and put it out there!
Long story short, thinking in story-world logic has been a game (lol) changer for me. Relying on it allows me to improvise on the spot because my focus is entirely on the fictional situation and not on some stats.
I use a method that might interest you!
Success/failure roll
- 2d6,
- Target is always 8.
- Roll 3d6 and keep lowest/highest 2 if the intended outcome is un/likely to happen.
- If it's super high, super succeed. If it's super low, super fail.
Pretty basic. Thanks to Grok?!, I've added an additionnal layer to that :
- if the character fails, the player may turn the failure into a success and inflict a complication on the character. (Item used breaks or depleted, contact is angry, etc.)
- The lower the roll, the more intense the inflicted complication.
It's super easy and adds a bit of drama after failed rolls. The choice between failure and a complication might not be easy to do and is a fair source of tension, I find.
Had a lot of fun with this, again thanks for the guide! Happy gaming