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A member registered Feb 12, 2024 · View creator page →

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 ...a gripping, strategy-based game inspired by the iconic power struggles of the Mafioso era that gripped the USA and Europe during the mid 19th century. In this intricate game of alliances, betrayal, and cunning, players are thrust into the heart of a relentless battle for supremacy among the ruling families of the underworld.

As the head of your own family, you must navigate the treacherous waters of organized crime, employing strategy, diplomacy, and brute force to expand your influence and protect your legacy. Build your empire through savvy business dealings, shrewd negotiations, and strategic marriages to strengthen your family's bond. But be wary, for loyalty is scarce in a world where power is king, and trust can be as lethal as a bullet.

Each decision you make will have lasting consequences on your journey to ascendancy. Choose your allies wisely and keep your enemies closer, for deception lurks around every corner. Engage in fierce battles for control over territories, establish lucrative rackets, and execute daring heists to increase your wealth and power.

i have looked, ive learned about the history of airlines ... thank you... not sure i needed that or if ill use that info but thank you. 

(1 edit)

??? Ai writes our devlogs too?? You mean like look at your devlogs? whats in your devlogs that i should see ?

Saved us lost of time and money(cost us 0 dollors to make this game )...  didn't have to learn to code or learn graphic design. Thank the Lord for ChatGPT.

When you start the game and watch the initial splash screen, you'll notice that we acknowledge ChatGPT's contribution.  All of the visuals, along with the vast majority of our code, have been created with the help of AI. Furthermore, the descriptions you see in the "About the Game" section, and even the content of this message, are products of AI generation. 

1st game I've ever made ... feels like this site is where games come to die ... cuz no one is really playing it ... spent 3 mths obsessively making this and im not sure it was worth it

New player experience update done!!!check it out ... 1st Update!!: Enhancing Interactivity with Resource Buildings 

chat update coming soon!!!

New player experience update coming ASAP!!!

It's official: after three intense months of hard work, fiery debates, and a rollercoaster of emotions, we at OGKushGaming are thrilled to announce the release of our debut title, "Don's Decree." This journey has been nothing short of a labor of love, a testament to the power of persistence, and a clear reflection of our passion for gaming.

Our foray into game development has been an epic tale of a husband and wife team with zero prior experience, taking on the Herculean task of bringing a vision to life. "Don's Decree" isn't just a game; it's the culmination of countless hours of yelling and arguing, interspersed with moments of frustration and tears, all wrapped up in the joy of learning and creating together.

This process has taught us more than we could have ever imagined—not just about game development, but about each other and what we can accomplish as a team. The challenges we faced pushed us to our limits and beyond, forcing us to dig deep, harness our inner strengths, and learn to work together in ways we never knew possible.

To our players, we hope you see "Don's Decree" as more than just entertainment. It's a piece of us, a narrative spun from our very own experiences, complete with the raw emotions and genuine dedication that went into its creation. We invite you to dive into the world we've crafted, engage with the mechanics we've painstakingly developed, and immerse yourself in the story that has so deeply affected our lives.

To the gaming community, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your support and encouragement have been the light guiding us through our darkest hours of doubt. As we release "Don's Decree" into the wild, we stand proud of what we've achieved and eager to continue this journey.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of our very first game development adventure. Here's to many more to come—with hopefully a little less yelling and a few less tears, but always with the same level of commitment and love that started it all.

Play "Don's Decree" today and join us in celebrating this monumental milestone for OGKushGaming. Welcome to the family. Come check it out!