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A member registered Jul 25, 2019 · View creator page →

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You know it buddy, check my the link in the description of this page to play a working version 

Check my itch page for a working version 1.1.

It has been made, look on the ol itch page and you will find a working version 1.1.

Fantastically done.

Short, simple, sweet game.  I really enjoyed it. Good job.


Interesting idea, and I see how you tried to put a twist on the endless runner genre, but the knives make it feel a bit button mashy, and sometimes i get first-frame spawn-knifed by one of the angel dudes and die. Not cool angel dude, not cool.

I don't get it chief, I go one way, hit a slope, go away for a second, slope is changed to flat wall, then i want to die lol. Cool concept, I just wish there were more concrete instructions or maybe some help, like a flash of revealed map. 

Movement is a little jank, but cool concept. HOLY FUCK THE GAY DEMON CHAIN DUDES SCARED THE FUCK OUT OF ME

Great idea, pretty damn good execution for a game jam. Good job.

Appreciate it, check the other comments for excuses lol. I actually have an updated, working model on my account right now if you would like to check it out, its under Dungeon Tycoon V1.1.

I made a fixed version if yall would like to play the game as intended:

This is a cool way to say "The game doesn't work" lol, I appreciate it. Like I said in other comments, I made the shop part where you interact with the computer last, and i didnt test it, so i was 99% sure it wouldn't work, but I'll upload a working version later with smaller day lengths. I was going to sync the clock arms to the time, but I didn't have time for that either so pretty much the game is super broken in this state. Thanks for playing!

Alright, I hear that. Yeah, the game is super broken, but I made the shop part in the last 10 minutes of the jam with no testing, so it super didnt work. Once the jam has concluded, I'll upload a working version with a shorter day. I'm thinking around 100 second days. Thanks for playing!

Its definitely the game, you are supposed to interact with the computer witch allows you to sell goods and access the clicker part of the game, but i did that in the last 10 minutes of the jam with no testing, so it was guaranteed to not work. I'll fix it and upload it after the jam has concluded!

The hitboxes are a little strange. You have to align the dudes feet to the top of a spike block to not get hit.

This is a fantastically made game. From the graphics, to the physics, to the general feel, and you even added music. Great job and a great contender for top 3.

The physics feel super nice, and I really like the laser, rope and build functions and how they feel. Really good game.

Bro that final boss is fucking nuts. Great game, would actually play this as a 5th grader in the school computer lab if it was a flash game lol.

The art is fantastic, the twist is nice, although a little quick. Great little game.