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A member registered Apr 22, 2020

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Welp that was an emotional Roller coaster jeez....

Still tho you are a genius 

And I quote from the man him self, from trial and against the results: "OBJECTION!"

(2 edits)

pretty great update ngl....

i found a major misspelling at early chapter 2 

i'm not perfect English but still i know its ain't right.
it kinda should be "found someone in the village who trusts you" (or is it an elder only special wording?)

anyways as i said earlier, i love your VN its pretty chill and great ;)

you can make great road maps with this:

gota wait what's your plan with this game :D

same, i almost lost it to.
my only reason i was able to find this again is thanks to opera GX (march 8):

,my god i was this close to save as whitelisted, but as usual Steam removed from its libary while games like Kobold Kare (sorry if i compere the two) is exist on the platform xd

don't know what you did or downloaded, but its runs fine for me ;)

true, but what i know i seen Naelstrof isn't a professional dev, don't get me wrong they are talented, but as KK (kobold kare) showed us they have lot to do....

although KK is remains quite a mess lol 

as true dev fashion as they stay:

its unstable as fuck but worth to try lol

your welcome 

about metabolism...

You can only like drink a few before "max out"  but if you make a kobold that had that "max metabolism" you can increase it more... I can recommend you to increase the belly size to because it won't waste your "potion" i guess 

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there is some recepies you can do right now...

here is the recepies:

ts few, but at least its exist tho, how ever there is no more than 2 recepies to make them fat yet

where you can find recipes ?

or you can buy them, where you can buy eggs to

well it seams like: "you successfully blended a bucket"

this is seams like a great idea actually, however i dont know if the dev will make that or not...

the main problem is like the dev said one point : "the game bearly working"  or idk..

the Day and night was removed because of performance issues and some game braking feature (maybe planned to come back idk)

how ever if we can convince the developer than it can be done (i dont know if them need more help tho?)

you have to dig deep but there is always some one who willing to share a copy

due some issues i cant send the Mega link, how ever you can have more luck here

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hey man, since the game is kinda "DRM-free" you can  grab a "original" copy of the game, even the multiplayer gonna work for you...

If you are intrested i can give you a copy ?? (ofc the updates and suff is gonna change but what ever)

ocf i had bought this game (i do have the steam version to)

Version 100 !

got the same issue :/

If it planned, Than it will be good if there going to be a vote system and or ban/kick system 

That's good to know, 

my Version was a bit broken, but i understand why only the female spawns heart [yet what i had she didn't spawned none....]

This is definitely good to know!

(1 edit)

it is a bug, when i trying to load my save its reset my progress, i like had many thing  and i was a difrent kobold what i had, and i lost every thing...

i hope it will be fixed soon!

just tried out this game, and it looks pretty good...

i hope this game will be continued, because even for its first look i love it :D


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so due the game have lacking tutorials or explanations, i do not know some of the mechanics, how ever i know how you can farm easily:

1:2 the blender :you make juices or growth potion with this :
melon juice = make tits bigger
pineapple juice = makes testicle bigger meaning more cum
banana = i have no idea
eggplant juice = makes dick bigger

if you spray them with these stuff on the kobolds, it can make them expensive, be careful tho because there is no limit in this game (witch is prety good acutely XD)

and there are the growth potion
you have make like this: 2 hearts + 1 egg plant + 1 melon

3: the shop area

There is none, meaning you can make some mayhem if you really want it.

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If you had growth Kobolds from your farm, you have to move them to a trash bin looking thing (it's next to the planting zone)

Also keep at least 1+ extra kobold, if you sell them it's no problem, until you have 25$+ dollar 

is there a reason why you can't change this setting? (This is the Phone version of this game)

well its deffenetly runs on my shitbox:

its a

Core 2 quad q8400 2.66 GHz
10 GB DDR3
remixed with a NVIDIA GTX 1650 4GB GDDR6 OC

the game is prety good to be honest, its nicely designed

(1 edit)

At least the game is still gets updates, honestly the waiting is worth it, even it's takes a long time.

I Can't wait for other new things that will be added to this game :D

And I wish good things for the team, cuz you guys doing great :)

it was a long time but, this game is still worth your time.

The image is proving some great content, Can't wait to see it :D

Oh if it's gonna release that would be fun i guess.

I hope it's gonna be no problem for you guys 😄

the cover of this update is looks amazing :D

This road map is seams pretty good actually,

Anyway I ask some questions:

- will "Brymror" gets some extras ?(i mean spending Time with him, or more...)

-  are there gonna be more "CG" scene's in the story?

I hope the facial expressions will be all over the story because that was a great idea.

Anyway, if something more will be added in the game that would be good, Like: that would be great if we can see a "CG" scene at the bath scene where Yarin is "Rub one out" (after when he comforted Brymror at the Gym scene.

I wish we the best for the team because this is a  great Visual story, with awesome "things" :D

it got something? (because it's currently saying 6 hour)

a little bug fix or idk ?

btw is it okay when this happens ?

"Error: <<run>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read property 'cocks' of undefined

<<run setup.doComboAttack($CharacterSheet_Player, $Encounter_Target) >>

 ∇ : Arousal overtakes you.
A thick blue goo emerges from your pores."

also there is the minotaur Guard scene where he is asking for the sun: "Grant him the sun's power (Not implemented yet)"