Why did "congrats you know how to control a ball" make me laugh?
Oil Demon (Professional Business Man)
Recent community posts
Well my bar has gone out of business.....guess giving people drinks filled with cocaine is a bad thing.....who would have thought.
Anyway do you have questions that you can't find an answer to
Do they haunt you in your sleep.........I now mine do
Well now you can get them answered....here...........yeah it's pretty pathetic but's its all I got
Feel free to ask almost anything....I said ALMOST anything some things you keep to yourself
And I'll or anyone for that matter will give you an answer So
What Questions Keep You Up At Night
Geez you look like shit and I'm guessing you need a drink...ofc you do you wouldn't be here for any other reason
So what I can get you, I can get you any drink you can think of......for a price of my choosing ofc have to keep this place running after all
Sit down and take a breath you look half dead....when your ready to order I'll be here got nothing to do anyway *whips down bar table*