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A member registered Jul 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Yes i love beepbox! (^w^)ノ☆

i also have an old version of Retro Music Editor/Maker(?)! i love simple programs haha but i am still struggling! u_u

First time hearing about Furnace! i will check it out! thank you for sharing those tools! hehe i appreciate a lot!

this was bittersweet, but really sweet. thank you for making this.


it often feels never-ending to developp a game! : O

making music for my games is something i'd really like to do, but i have such a hard time making music on the cpu, and i don't have the space and ressource to play intruments i know (and they don't merge well...) but i have good hope to be able to do so one day too!

wishing you the best!

that makes me so happy! thank you so much for taking the time to play! : ))

i am having so much fun my dog's name is ikea so i keep bringing him back to the laptop so he can witness what i do with his creation (he is probably the ceo of sweden)

hello, may i request lunnarp the coffee table and markus the desk chair?

i like this game, simple but very funny as i struggle to put together horrors beyond my comprehension (not knowing how to use a keyboard)

thank you anni! keep me tuned when you do! at your pace! hehe! : )))

Thank you so much for organizing again! hehe! : )))

this is so nice, i really like the tunes, really sweet!

thank you! : )

if credited properly and not monetized can the game be a fan game? 

not sure if i will do that myself but i was curious.

I'm so glad you keep on creating, wishing you the best, i hope you're doing ok!

oooh! this makes me so happy!!!! and you had a nice time with your friend!!! that's the best!!! : DDDD

thank you for telling me this is so nice!!! i'm happy!! : )))

tumblr is perfect, the home i never left. thank you! : )

wishing you a swift recovery from the chairs! : )

are you on other websites/platforms that twitter? even a personal website, i use rss flux i don't mind the platforms i just can't see anything with twitter and insta much because they hate laptop users :sobs: anyway i follow here! can't wait to see more of your stuff! : D

I found you on cohost! awesome! Thank you!!

I really like your works! : O

I'd love to see more, where to find you? do you have a website or other socials?

I have no words, but i just feel it, like in my bones, o b s e r v a t i o n a l   d r a w i n g s until n o t h i n g make sense any-more thank you for sharing with us!!

I see! Thank you for replying! : )

Hello, I was wondering if having no music or sound effect at all would be disqualifying? Even if its not a statement the game is trying to make.

Thank you and best of luck to all! : )

That was super nice! : O

Love the idea! Whoah, so nicely done! great job everyone!!

As usual, great work everyone! Thank you for organizing! See you all next year! : D

It is so so sweet! ; A ;

Thank you, very appreciated

If I make it I will ask for drawings of miku! You can follow me on social media if you want but I will try to also make a post here to spread the word!

Thank you for sharing the source! : D

Hell! thank you for playing, this is a very cute drawing!

Sadly in this version no, but maybe in the sequel? (not 100% sure tho! sorry!)

thank you for this, this looks so nice! I suck at GUI so this is very handy!

Thank you so muc, i'm so happy you liked it!

I will be brave and try next time! thank you for giving me advice!

In the new game plus he is an ally!! aha!

Thank you so much! to be honest i was a bot scared to try mixing things up, but i will build up my courage next time! thank you for listening and for your advice, i will do my best!

Oh no! time to emulate!!

Thank you so much for listening!

And thank you for your advice! I will try it next time! : ))

This is so good! It was hard to stay sit on my chair and not stand up to headbang lol, great job!!

I really wanted to take part in it! I always wanted to compose music but always chickened out! so having one day was kinda nice because i didn't have time to hate everything and give up aha!

thank you so much, i'm so glad you liked it! : ))

haha, thank you so much! : D

Ah! thank you for your advice! I will keep it in mind as I'll keep experimenting! i'm glad you took the time to listen to it!! : ))

oh!! thank you!! i'm so glad you liked it and got a nice ending! thank you so much for playing! : )

yes, i wanted that lighthearted feeling ! i am so so glad you like it!!! thank you!

thank you!!! im so happy you liked it!!

waa thank you so much!! im so glad to hear that!!

thank you, i will keep trying my best!!