Finally got around to making a video on the updated demo, GOD I love this game, if nobody hears from me for like a week after release, nobody worry I'm just feeding my cat!
Ol' Dilly
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Alright, this is the last game in the video, and I have to say, this genuinely made me feel chills, and goosebumps. The way the heartbeat drove my anxiety through the wall, the way the atmosphere and the random events worked together, the way the story evolves from creepy to absolutely weird and terrifying, the family secrets, the occult references, and lets not forget...HIM lol (I woke my wife up when I got jumpscared.)
solid 10/10, the VHS twist was great, the opening was VERY nice and pretty, and I just generally really liked this one. out of all three, I would say heartless and rewind to fear are both solid entries on my list of best Indies I have ever played. once again, thank you so much for making these games, and please, PLEASE keep going. I will be waiting patiently for your next masterpiece!
This was the second of my rotheart special 3 scary games.
I hope I did well and made a video that's satisfactory, but my laptop did give me some trouble due to an unrelated issue. not a you thing, but a me thing.
So what I can say about the game:
Personally, I think this one is overshadowed by your other games, It's not BAD, but not great, just somewhere right down the middle. I liked the concept, and it did give me some anxiety.
The vhs effect is quite a lot, I actually had to disable it by the third game as it was making my eyes hurt. I do apologize for that, as I certainly understand style choices, and in no way did I not enjoy it, just got to me eventually.
Ending wise, I was left quite a bit confused, I wont lie. Was it an entity? was it just natural occurrence? supernatural? an accident? without spoiling anything for anyone, I will say it simply made me wanting more. And that's not necessarily bad at all, I love when I finish a game and just say "Damn, I want more of that!" and that's exactly what happened this entire video. Once again, Props to you Rotheart games.
I got a notification to play this when it came out, I'm a little behind so sorry about that. I ended up playing all of your games and loved them.
I'll write some details on each game. (spoiler free of course)
This is first game on the video.
Heartless for a game released only 10 days ago, (I downloaded the day-1 version, I wasn't aware you updated it, or I would've gladly played that version)
this is an impressive setup.
I was completely speechless when we woke up, that twist got me good.
I found very few bugs that I do believe were caused by my own setup, (I'm currently on an older laptop with only a 970m GPU thats getting on in age, I promise guys, I'm upgrading soon.)
Bugs I did notice were:
Small visual tears here and there, but nothing game breaking,
A couple spots where colliders were a LITTLE bit picky, but absolutely nothing one couldn't simply move to the side a little.
I struggled to grab the keys at certain angles, but again, with the tiniest effort this problem is easily resolved.
I honestly loved this game, and I give it a solid 8/10 on the original, I may go back and play your updates and post an updated video, I'm sure after you've put your polish on this, it will be absolutely stunning. Fantastic job with the story you set up here, Thanks so much for making it!!!