The game looks good, the controls work but can be unpredictable and the music is cute, but a bit repetitive. An enjoyable experience to say the least. Keep it up!
This game is very underrated and jam-packed with content. Great OST, simply marvelous art-style and complex yet simple gameplay at the same time. This was most certainly a positive experience and it deffinitely shows serious potential. Keep it up!
Niche idea. Liked it a lot. simplistic yet effective. Only problem was the audio as I ran into some audio glitches. Either way a most certainly positive experience. There's deffinitely a lot of potential!
very unique concept, remarkable OST and an overall simplistic style and gameplay result this in being quite an enjoyable experience. Good work keep it up!
The game was a great and fresh experience, the only problem is that it froze and crashed before the music part of the last culture. It's a shame though as I really wanted to see the end. Great Job and keep it up, there's a lot of potential here!