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A member registered Feb 14, 2017 · View creator page →

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Amazing game. Full of potential! I will be following this game closely for sure! =)

Reporting on an Xbox One controller, the controls feel great, smooth and fluid! Keep up the good work! This is one of the best demos I've played! 

Amazing game. Very unique gameplay style! 

This game is amazing! Super fun and simple idea that is very challanging! The music has been stuck in my head for a few days now after playing this and it fits the game perfectly! 

I am always looking for suggestions and feedback for this game!

UpSideWays! community · Created a new topic Bugs Found

List any found bugs here and if possible the level you found it in.

(1 edit)

This is an amazing premise for a game! The story telling is very well done, the controls and jumping is smooth and the gameplay idea is clever. I like how you almost have to worry more about how much vision you have remaining than your health. Is there a plan for controller joystick support? I like the D-Pad motion but I kept finding myself moving back up to the joystick to try to move the player and getting stuck. Great game all around otherwise! Very professional looking!

Amazing game! Unique design and gameplay! Challanging and rewarding. I like it a lot!