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Old Maj0r

A member registered Jun 06, 2020

Recent community posts

Cool concept, aesthetic AND the gameplay feels so slick, this is a great game that I'd love to see a full version of!

Really cool game, it's difficult but feels like you could master after a while! I'd love to see more levels, but was also thinking this game could work in a 'getting over it' format too!

Such a smart idea! Will definitely add to my steam wishlist, can't wait to see where this concept goes!

Cool concept and fun to play, i think with some time to add a bit more depth to the combat and balance the difficulty this could be fantastic game!

Very difficult, but a cool idea. I found dragging the screen so far that i couldn't see where the cat was a bit disorientating, perhaps if it auto panned to the cat when you let go of right click? Think the physics could be a bit more slow and floaty to make the connection between moving the level and the Cat more clear.

Oh fair enough, it's crazy how much you were able to put together in such a short period of time! Really impressive :) 

Love the concept! It feels very hectic and tense as your crowd diminishes. I'd love to see the gameplay developed further after the Jam! This might be an overhall but i could imagine WASD controlling the crowd constantly (rather than clicking) and maybe being able to change their formation? So go into a line to get down a narrow path/dodge bullets, then changing to a square to be better dodging all angles overall. This could also add puzzle elements, like needing to stand on two buttons by changing formation, or even having the ability to temporarily leave people and split the group! That was just some thoughts but it's such a fun idea there is so much you could do with it!

Love the old school MGS aesthetic and love the tone and music. Clicking where you want to go is a bit fiddly but works. As some have mentioned, I found the camera management a bit difficult due to not knowing where I was on the map. But i like the idea of checking cameras before turning a corridor etc. I think with some simple tweaks this would be really cool!

I love the concept, however the goob runs and falls off each platform so quickly it's incredibly difficult to string many platforms together, especially having to click the platform before moving it onto the level screen. I think if the platforms were longer and goob's jump off each more exaggerated it would be a bit easier and the difficulty more rewarding.

This game is so clever and unique! Besides the obvious genius of combining a puzzle platformer with golf in such a fun way. I thought it was also really clever how zoomed in you were when moving, but letting you zoom out to a low res full room if you stood still. The limitation of your view made you have to think about your movement more.

Very excited to see what you make next Ismael! Also the music was great Dan!