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old man at sea

A member registered Sep 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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(3 edits)

do you plan on uploading the soundtrack anywhere? if not, i'd happily do so with your permission.

edit: your games hard to crack, i tried busting the files open to listen to the music for myself but i could find no way to access the audio. if you're planning on making a game that people won't datamine you're well on your way

edit 2: after she was done eating, she went to the bath except the normal hub music was playing and only the dots were there. now shes just wandering around the bathroom??? idk what happened but the game is broken

unrelated but i love all the easter eggs that most people wont see like if i you repeatedly deny to be a gaurdian spirit and then kill all the eggs you're given
"If you're working on making an omelette you're well on your way."

(1 edit)

What happened is i booted up the game for the first time, And got to the first quest before closing the game. when i came back tomorrow, the opening sequence started, except the fairy queens dialogue got replaced by the rat champs and then the game crashed after the dialogue ended. maybe the game thought it was trying to start a new game, but loaded the boss dialogue anyway?? edit: the rat champ boss loaded properly after the game rebooted and everything was fine but im still very confused. 

Great game! However why did the fairy queen say "I punch whatever i choose! I even punch livestock! Now i'm gonna punch you! And then you'll lose!" and crash the game

i opened this and the kieth one and they had a rap battle

is catching fish manual? becaue npthing is happening.